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My Wheel of Excitement Puzzle...

Mon May 08, 2006 7:05 am

I'm a new user, guess you could call me 'extremely new'. I had a quick look over the other forums and this seemed like the best place to put the post.

Basically... I'm rather puzzled with the WoE - having used Neopets before (many an age ago) I've won the 10,000 on it a few times, which is always handy... but any time I play it on my new account, the following happens:

It starts in the same place, and ends in the same place - on the '?', which of course always yields somewhere between 20 and 50 np. This has happened at least 10 times... :o so I'm getting confused.

Any advice? What do you guys reckon? Some kind of glitch? Any help would be more than appreciated. :)

Mon May 08, 2006 7:13 am

Its because there are certain prizes that are more common then others, i get the same thing every now and then, always landing on the ?, its not a glitch

Mon May 08, 2006 7:23 am

That's what I thought at first... because I had landed on the same thing many a time in a row back in the ole' days.

Unfortunately this seems to be more repetitive... because it starts and ends in the same place, and has done so for so long... ah well... perhaps you are right.

I'll try doing it in another browser, see how that goes.... Anyway, must be off, have to go to Tae Kwon Do.

Mon May 08, 2006 3:04 pm

Mine lands on the ? almost 99% of the time. Rarely do I hit anything else anymore :(

Mon May 08, 2006 3:07 pm

Snowfire wrote:Mine lands on the ? almost 99% of the time. Rarely do I hit anything else anymore :(

Silly question. Have you disabled your old account? Also, have you tried donating items? I swear I have better luck when I do...

Mon May 08, 2006 3:15 pm

I am not sure about the author of the post but since I was quoted I'll answer :P

I do nto have any old accounts anyore. They were frozen last year saying I was trying to sell my pets, which was not the case, along with my husbands.
It was very sad and I still haven't recovered from it.

But my new account rarely hits anything. Dailies, lab map (i get alot of loses messages), just about everything.

I donate to the money tree constantly. About 70 items at a time.

I just have an unlucky account.. :(

Mon May 08, 2006 3:17 pm

Snowfire wrote:I am not sure about the author of the post but since I was quoted I'll answer :P

I do nto have any old accounts anyore. They were frozen last year saying I was trying to sell my pets, which was not the case, along with my husbands.
It was very sad and I still haven't recovered from it.

But my new account rarely hits anything. Dailies, lab map (i get alot of loses messages), just about everything.

I have an unlucky account.. :(

Awwww :( I'm sorry. I hope your luck will turn around soon. I mean, it has to, right? ;) In the great words of John Lennon, "Instant Karma's gonna get you," but in a good way. *crosses fingers*

Mon May 08, 2006 3:39 pm

I was tracking my WoE spins for a while (haven't done it for several months so things may have changed). In that time, the question mark hit a good 35%. So getting it 10 times in a row would be tricky, but not out of the question.

Trying a different browser is an excellent idea.

You might also try documenting the results of the spins. Nothing like good solid numbers to dispel any distortions in perception :)

Mon May 08, 2006 4:04 pm

angisfab wrote:
Snowfire wrote:I am not sure about the author of the post but since I was quoted I'll answer :P

I do nto have any old accounts anyore. They were frozen last year saying I was trying to sell my pets, which was not the case, along with my husbands.
It was very sad and I still haven't recovered from it.

But my new account rarely hits anything. Dailies, lab map (i get alot of loses messages), just about everything.

I have an unlucky account.. :(

Awwww :( I'm sorry. I hope your luck will turn around soon. I mean, it has to, right? ;) In the great words of John Lennon, "Instant Karma's gonna get you," but in a good way. *crosses fingers*

Thanks! I hope it does. But either way I have fun and well I am all the more excited when something really does happen! :)
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