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Blocking Gap at top of Page

Sun May 07, 2006 6:13 pm

Hi , I am at my friends improving his Firefox for Neopets . I has blocked all the ads we can but i cannot remeber the way to get rid of the top banner . Can anyone post instruction or the thread that the instructions were posted ?
Thanks .

Mon May 08, 2006 12:09 am

I'm too lazy to look for the original thread (so apologies in advance to whomever I'm quoting without crediting), but I did email the instructions to myself at the time, so here they are:

Step 1: If you don't have Firefox already, get it here. Configure it, etc.
Step 2: Download these 2 extensions in Firefox after installing the browser -
AdBlock 0.5.2
Step 3: Restart Firefox, then click on Tools - Adblock - Preferences
Step 4: Add 3 new filters:***
Click Add button to save them. Then click done.
Step 5: Go to Tools - Edit User Files, then click on the userContent.css tab.
Step 6: Scroll all the way to the end, then enter a new line:
#ban { display: none !important; }
Click the Save button.
Step 7: Restart Firefox and enjoy an ad-free NeoPets experience

Now, this does not work with the most recent version of Firefox, because ChromEdit is not compatible. I recently went looking for a fix, and found this...

download the .xpi, rename to .zip, unzip install.rdf and edit max field to be 2.0 or whatever, put the file back into the zip and rename back to .xpi, drag & drop to firefox and you're set.

... but so far I can't get it to work. If anyone is technically minded and cares to explain it, the bit I'm stuck on is "drag & drop to firefox." I can't work out where it goes.

Hope this is vaguely useful.

Mon May 08, 2006 1:08 am

Manually edit css file for Firefox

1: Locate your userContent.css
2: Open file in notebook and paste the following at the bottom
div.ban,div#ban {
display: none !important;

3: Save
4: Restart Program

I HIGHLY recommend this longer version
to get rid of other annoying things.

@-moz-document domain({
div#bottomban{display:none;} > object{display:none;}
#mb + form{display:none !important;}

Mon May 08, 2006 3:30 pm

Thanks girls for the help . I tried every whih wat make this work but i cannot get it happening . I hav fouating called Nightly Tester Tools that can force using old incombatible extensions . If i could get the chromedit version of the neopets code it just may work .
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