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Any other way to get defence points?

Fri May 05, 2006 5:46 pm

My lab rats current starts are :

Lvl : 9
Str : 111
Def : 6
Mov : 90
Hp : 175 / 175

Clearly lacking defence, is there a way I can up it?

I can't train defence until my level is a lot higher and the lab ray hasn't given me one defence point in the 8 months I've been using it.

So what can I do?


Re: Any other way to get defence points?

Fri May 05, 2006 7:29 pm

Reversed wrote:My lab rats current starts are :

Lvl : 9
Str : 111
Def : 6
Mov : 90
Hp : 175 / 175

Clearly lacking defence, is there a way I can up it?

I can't train defence until my level is a lot higher and the lab ray hasn't given me one defence point in the 8 months I've been using it.

So what can I do?


Yeah, I've found that the lab ray tends to ignore defence when it can. Another alternative is to try a few Kitchen Quests, they can raise your stats. Also, providing you are not on a budget, there are Neggs that raise stats. Not sure if there is one specifically for defence, though.

Fri May 05, 2006 8:27 pm

You could just use one of them defence items that don't rely on your defence, like kilahtaa -lta eksynyt (ring of the lost) or patched magic hat (i think). there really is no cheap way of getting defence after labbing

Tue May 16, 2006 6:09 pm

Trainning scools you can get defence points but can get expensive.

Tue May 16, 2006 6:39 pm

Silver Knight Negg raises defense.

Tue May 16, 2006 9:13 pm

Cooling Balm of the Warrior gives 1-2 defence 15% of the time. Bomberry Elixir gives 1 defence about 24% of the time. Silver Knight Negg gives 1-2 defence 100% of the time. But all of these are way, WAY more expensive than training at the school, as far as you're concerned.

The school is pretty much your only option if you really want a balanced pet. You're pretty far behind now (you'd have to train level a lot before you could train defence), but it's doable. It will be expensive and take a lot of time.

If you don't want to train defence, you can get percentage defence items or reflectors -- they don't rely on your boost. Ring of the Lost will block all dark, for example. Clawed Shield will reflect 60-80% of fire. All the breakable 50% reflectors will reflect 50% of an icon type thrown at you. Downsize! will block 50% of an attack. Basically, if you go on IDB and look at defence items, avoid any that have actual icons shown, like Leaf Shield with its 5 earth/5 water/3 phys. Go with ones that say they block all of an icon or reflect a certain percent, like the Ring of the Lost or Downsize!.

Sat May 20, 2006 4:12 am

Cranberry wrote:Cooling Balm of the Warrior gives 1-2 defence 15% of the time. Bomberry Elixir gives 1 defence about 24% of the time. Silver Knight Negg gives 1-2 defence 100% of the time. But all of these are way, WAY more expensive than training at the school, as far as you're concerned.

The school is pretty much your only option if you really want a balanced pet. You're pretty far behind now (you'd have to train level a lot before you could train defence), but it's doable. It will be expensive and take a lot of time.

If you don't want to train defence, you can get percentage defence items or reflectors -- they don't rely on your boost. Ring of the Lost will block all dark, for example. Clawed Shield will reflect 60-80% of fire. All the breakable 50% reflectors will reflect 50% of an icon type thrown at you. Downsize! will block 50% of an attack. Basically, if you go on IDB and look at defence items, avoid any that have actual icons shown, like Leaf Shield with its 5 earth/5 water/3 phys. Go with ones that say they block all of an icon or reflect a certain percent, like the Ring of the Lost or Downsize!.

Eventually, though, you're going to wish you had trained defense back then, because great shields like Ghostkershield, Faerie Tabard and Mask of Coltzan will be completely useless to you, unless you train up defense, which will never get less expensive.

Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:15 pm

Thanks for the replies. I already wish I'd trained him up some before I started zapping. Ah well, best get saving for all the codestones I'll need once I'm done zapping.

Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:19 pm

Remember you can get random stat increases from Coltzan's Shrine as well.

Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:47 pm

Just avoid Dark Faerie quests - she boosts your hp's which is something you dont need. I know i dont . . . I have to get to level 161 before i can start training my defence :cry:

Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:21 pm

Is it worth training level while I'm zapping?

Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:00 pm

Reversed wrote:Is it worth training level while I'm zapping?

Just remember if you do, you risk losing levels with the lab ray.

It is personal choice, but i wouldnt. It costs me enough to level as it is

Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:28 pm

If you want to be able to train any other stats, you MUST train level (and you should also train defence) as you lab. Over time, the lab increases strength and hit points and decreases level and defence. You should make sure you keep your defence roughly equal with your strength and keep your level at half your hit points as you lab. It may seem like you're wasting NP because you train level and then the lab takes it away, but you're really not, because you get a lot of strength and hit points (therefore saving yourself all the NP you would have spent on those) and you also get them much faster than you would by training alone.
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