For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri May 05, 2006 5:01 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has given you a Guide to Knighthood!!!
Fri May 05, 2006 5:04 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has decided to give you 100 neopoints!!!
Yay! Thank you
Fri May 05, 2006 5:07 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has given you a Guide to Knighthood!!!
Fri May 05, 2006 5:08 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has given you a Poets Hat!!!
Fri May 05, 2006 5:15 pm
Hey thanks, he gave me a book of swords, better than nothing I guess.
Fri May 05, 2006 5:20 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has decided to give you 100 neopoints!!!

Mwahaha! I am finally rich enough to achieve Neopian domination
Thanks for the head up
Fri May 05, 2006 5:23 pm
Skynetmain wrote:You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has decided to give you 100 neopoints!!!

Mwahaha! I am finally rich enough to achieve Neopian domination
Thanks for the head up
Hey, does that mean I get to be a minion, since I was the one who put you over the top, evil-wise?
Fri May 05, 2006 5:23 pm
burntouttrash wrote:You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has decided to give you 100 neopoints!!!
Yay! Thank you

I got the same
Fri May 05, 2006 5:46 pm
I got an axe shaped shrubbery. Now perhaps I can get those pesky knights to stop annoying me.
Fri May 05, 2006 5:52 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has decided to grant your petpet a level!!!
Your petpet is now level 2!
Fri May 05, 2006 6:04 pm
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and now your pet is a little stronger thanks to Turmaculus!!!
That's great and all....but would you JUST EAT THE PETPET?!
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