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Anyone else not able to load

Wed May 03, 2006 6:05 pm

All other sites work fine, but neopets times out for me. Am I all alone in this? (I would feel better if I knew it was a general problem, and not just me!)

Wed May 03, 2006 6:07 pm

o_O It's loading just fine for me.

Wed May 03, 2006 6:52 pm

Okay, lexxia. I guess I'll have to look for a problem at my end. But when all the other sites I go to work fine, it's confusing! I've tried 3 computers, 3 accounts, 2 different browsers -- still no Neopets. :(

Wed May 03, 2006 7:27 pm

I know several people have been experiencing problems with getting logged out of the site. I'm personally not having any problems (*crosses fingers*), but I know that you're definitely not alone. It kind of seems like the problems started when the news for May 3rd was updated. I'm not sure if I'm correct in thinking that though. I hope it gets back up for everyone having problems soon.

Wed May 03, 2006 7:31 pm

Thanks Mayanspypilot. My problem is different than the logging out problem though. Neopets won't load at all; it just times out. I have had a lot more white pages than usual this morning, though, which go back to normal when you refresh. But then about 10 am Neopian Time, I couldn't get any page in Neopets to load.

Wed May 03, 2006 7:48 pm

Heh, hey mayan, as of the time of this posting your post count is 1337 8)

Oh, btw, Neopets is working fine for me too.

Wed May 03, 2006 8:02 pm

Yeah, a 'lite posting. Cool. Thanks jrtman, for your info. I just tried on our dial-up connection, and it works fine. I can't stand to do much on dial-up, though, plus I can't usually get to use the phone - it's very busy.

It must have something to do with our wireless Internet provider, then. I'll see if I can give them a call - when the phone's free!

Wed May 03, 2006 8:16 pm

i seem to be getting firefox's the connection timed out fairly reguarly on neopets and not anywere else. and i cant load kiko match at all but other games work fine :(

Wed May 03, 2006 8:19 pm

purplecatlover2003 wrote:i seem to be getting firefox's the connection timed out fairly reguarly on neopets and not anywere else. and i cant load kiko match at all but other games work fine :(

Neopets has a lot of page load problems. I get a blank page loaded 30% of the time and it's not so bad when you're just browsing the site but when you're posting on the message boards or playing a text-based game it gets frustrating with all the double posts and "looks like you did something wrong" errors.

Wed May 03, 2006 8:29 pm

I had the white pages this morning quite badly. Yes, very annoying on pages where refreshing would double-send your message/game move. But then . . . no Neopets pages at all. Nada. Not one. works fine for me though (that's premium webmail). I think it's on a different set of servers.

Oh, and thanks Cat, for your input. Has the "connection timed out" been worse today than other days?

Thu May 04, 2006 12:24 am

Dont worry. I can't get into Neopets at all this morning. It loaded half of the dailys but then just gave up... maybe theres just too many people on line at the moment.

Thu May 04, 2006 1:39 am

Shellie, thanks for the input. Did you get a blank white page, or did it say "Server could not be found" (Internet Explorer) or "Operation Timed out" (Firefox). The white page usually goes away when you refresh (sometimes you have to refresh more than once). The others are what I'm getting. But ... update: did not work for me either (though all other sites seemed fine). Then I tried dial-up, and neopets and hotmail worked fine on that. I called our wireless Internet provider & told them of our problem, because it could be caused by their system. So far, the problem is still there. I can't use dial-up very much, because I have to leave the phone line free.

Update: 7:45 pm Neopian Time - Now (on dial-up) I'm getting the log-in pages that others have been getting. Just refreshing makes them go away, fortunately. I haven't had those since last fall, when I had them for a few weeks, but refreshing didn't fix it then, I had to actually log on again each time.

Another update (7:55 pm NT): Hooray! I had been refreshing Neopets on a second computer that's on my wireless provider, and shortly after the log-in pages started on this computer on dial-up, Neopets worked on the other computer on wireless! Of course it works on this computer now, too. I hope the log-in pages are gone! Nope - I tried for a while and I still get a log-in page every two to five pages.

Yet another update (9 pm NT): Aaaagh, the "connection timed out" & "can't find server" are back again! :(

Fri May 05, 2006 3:47 am

I get problems to where the pages quit loading when I try to post a reply to a neoboard to where I have to refresh just to see whether or not it posted.

Seems like the blank pages have started up again. Feh.

Fri May 05, 2006 5:06 am

Thanks for the input Magica. Yes, the white pages are very, very annoying. I don't think I've had any today, but I've had a few log-in pages.

Last night at about 10 or 11 pm NT my Internet started working properly again. This time for good - so far. I got a reply from my ISP this morning. Here's the main part of his message:
"It appears that it was in fact caused by a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on a website that is hosted on the Rogers/Sprint network. We connect to the Internet indirectly through Rogers Canada. Here's a posting from the company who was the target of the attack:

Fri May 05, 2006 8:46 am

im getting the white pages a lot this morning. and still cant play kiko match (can anyone tell im getting annoyed about that lol)
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