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How do people get this rich?

Mon May 01, 2006 5:03 am

There are a few people on Neo with obscene amounts of NP, like a billion plus. They also have pets with insanely high stats (I'm especially talking about a certain 10K HP pet... you know the one :x ) and uber-expensive weapons, about 30 times more expensive than the rest of us could hope to buy. How do they get that many NP? And is it even possible for any of us to do it?

Mon May 01, 2006 5:06 am

a billion plus nps? :o

i think that's exaggerating a bit. but yeah, to get a 10k hp pet, you need to be devoted to neopets, or work for neopets. you can spend years of your life restocking, or you can just use your real money and buy neopets, the company

Mon May 01, 2006 5:06 am

I can only think of restocking. If you're really good at it, you can earn hundreds of thousands to millions per unbuyable restock. Restock thousands of them and you get, well, a billion :battar:

Mon May 01, 2006 6:01 am

I still don't get this whole restocking business..
Is there a guide somewhere so I can better understand?!

Mon May 01, 2006 6:06 am

Hystericalanduseless wrote:I still don't get this whole restocking business..
Is there a guide somewhere so I can better understand?!

Basically, you grab certain items once a shop stocks up, then you sell them at a higher price. If the difference between the shop price and the market price is high, then the item is considered profitable. However, you need to consider the easy-to-sell and hard-to-sell factors as well, since some items can rot in your shop for days or weeks while some are gone in a minute (usually codestones and such).

Here are some tips for a restocker:

Mon May 01, 2006 6:08 am

Thank you :)

Mon May 01, 2006 6:46 am

if you play every flash game 3 times a day and play all the other games up to their max np that you could earn a lot of np. But restocking i think would be easier and maybe not as time consuming. If you are on every day for a long period of time then your are more likely to get RE which can be good

Mon May 01, 2006 7:27 am

I dunno, but I always felt restocking made the fun part of the game exclusively for the people with the fast intarwebs.

It's an economy fueled by people who have to pay higher prices to ensure that the shopkeepers can have their 100+ store sizes and deluxe pets and have enough power to make the war events their exclusive playground. Meanwhile everybody else just scrabbles for the leftovers.

But that's just the bitter part of me talking.

Mon May 01, 2006 7:32 am

A lot of people cheat with autobuyers. I'd say if they are insanly rich there's a pretty good chance they cheated.

Mon May 01, 2006 7:37 am

Carmilla07 wrote:A lot of people cheat with autobuyers. I'd say if they are insanly rich there's a pretty good chance they cheated.

I think Neopets already made actions against the autobuyer, they put in the "click the picture of this neopet" to purchase an item, I hope they haven't found a way around that already...

Mon May 01, 2006 7:49 am

poohroony wrote:
Carmilla07 wrote:A lot of people cheat with autobuyers. I'd say if they are insanly rich there's a pretty good chance they cheated.

I think Neopets already made actions against the autobuyer, they put in the "click the picture of this neopet" to purchase an item, I hope they haven't found a way around that already...

that stopped the autobuyers for maybe a month.

They still rule the shops, unfortunatly

Mon May 01, 2006 9:10 am

endeavourl wrote:
poohroony wrote:
Carmilla07 wrote:A lot of people cheat with autobuyers. I'd say if they are insanly rich there's a pretty good chance they cheated.

I think Neopets already made actions against the autobuyer, they put in the "click the picture of this neopet" to purchase an item, I hope they haven't found a way around that already...

that stopped the autobuyers for maybe a month.

They still rule the shops, unfortunatly

Well that's sad :( And I thought we were rid of autobuyers :(

Mon May 01, 2006 10:17 am

Most people with that much money have been playing neopets for years usually, and worked hard to train thier pet.

I personally think 'restocking' is over rated. Most big money seems to be made through the high stakes gambling of 'hoarding' where you buy items cheap that you think will come into demand later for avatars, wars, or retirement. I put garlic halves I won in my SDB before the garlic avatar and then took them out and sold them for huge profits. A 1 np item selling for 10,000 np was outrageous!

Now days I play stocks because it doesn't take adantage of other people's misfortune of timing.

Mon May 01, 2006 11:00 am

Useful and unique war/plot/game/code/other prizes and restocking r99+ and cove items (again with the useful and unique) will also get you rich fast.

Mon May 01, 2006 11:00 am

I remember someone telling me that ages ago when the training school system was first introduced, you could refresh on the page which gave you the +1 strength or whatever, and I remember them also telling me that, that is how the top BD pets are so strong now. Not sure if that's true but it seems reasonable ;)
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