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Level up, power up, speed up, anything up...?

Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:51 pm

I created a battledome pet just a minute ago, and ofcourse... it kinda sucks...
So what ways are there exactly to level up your pet and to get it faster and everything.

For all that matters, does anybody know where I can get a Full Gelert Armour?

Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:14 pm

There's the slow but steady method - training at the academy on krawk island or training school on mystery island.

Totally random could-do-more-bad-than-good-but-usually-doesn't method: Get the lab ray and pay a one-off fee of about 450K and everyday you can zap. Each zap can raise your pets stats, lower them, change species, colour or gender of the pet and basically it's fun to go through the pet changes but yeah stat changes are unpredictable and usually once you've started using this method it's hard to go back to the other method :)

Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:18 pm

You will get better replies in the battledome board. By the way, it's not worth training your agility since it only does so little in the battledome.

Finally, take a look at some of the articles written here.

Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:02 pm That thread has a full list of every possible way to raise stats for pets. :) (here's the stats:)

Asparagus Queen wrote:Level
Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Terror Trove scratchcard (chance of +1)
Random Event (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
dice-a-roo (?)
Deadly Dice (+/-)
Light Faerie Quest (+1)
Space Faerie Quest (+4)
Faerie Queen Quest (+1)
Cool Negg (+1-2)
Level Up Shroom (+1)
Super Negg (+1)
Irritable Genie-In-A-Bottle (+1-3)
Mega Power Plusshroom (+1)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)
Kaylas Super Special Potion (chance of +1)

Health Points
Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
Dark Faerie Quest (+2)
Faerie Queen Quest (+3)
Cool Negg (+1-3)
Faerie Queen Negg (+1)
Muntando Fruit (chance of +1)
Purple Spotted Shroom (chance of +1)
Snegg (+2-3)
Spiked Negg (+2-3)
Super Negg (+1-3)
Mummified Scroll (+1-3)
Witchy Negg (chance of +2)
Mega Power Plusshroom (+1)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Random Event (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
Turmaculus (+)
Fire Faerie Quest (+2)
Faerie Queen Quest (+3)
Cool Negg (+1-3)
Essence Of Drackonack (chance of +1-2)
Ferocious Negg (+1-3)
Power Negg (+1)
Purple Spotted Shroom (chance of +1)
Strength Serum (+1-4)
Strength Shroom (+1-3)
Twisted Potion of Strength (chance of +/- 5)
Mega Power Plusshroom (+1)
Greater Earthen Potion (+2)
Kaleideonegg (random)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
Water Faerie Quest (+2)
Basic Power Negg (chance of +1)
Bomberry Elixir (chance of +1)
Cooling Balm Of The Warrior (chance of +1-2)
Silver Knight Negg (+1-2)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)
Kaylas Super Special Potion (chance of +1)

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Air Faerie Quest (+2)
Cool Negg (+1-3)
Snegg (+2-3)
Super Fast Shroom (+1)
Super Negg (+1-3)
Mummified Scroll (-1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)

Fight Mad Scientist
Kaleideonegg (random)
Strange Potion
Pocket Lab Ray
Witchy Negg
Cape of the Sun (turns male into female)

BBQ Porkwich
Pumpkin Negg (+1-2 lbs)
Earth Faerie Quest

Pumpkin Negg (-1-2 cm)
Lolly Snot

faerie crossword
wheel of knowledge
guess the card
genius negg
Witchy Negg (chance of +5)
Greater Earthen Potion (+2)

Changes stats but I don't know how:
Bullseye Potion ??
Intermediate Curses ??

Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:59 am

In terms of the full pet armors, I've never seen a single one of any species anywhere. And I've looked, just for curiosity.

Tue May 02, 2006 10:07 pm

This thread already exists in the BD forum. Please do not make multiple threads in different places.
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