Below are the score rankings for pets owned by Pink Poogle Toy members.
1 UniClaude (claudej)-------------------------2895
2 sirhatter (sirhatter) -------------------- 23393 Calander [Faerie Buzz] (Armi)------------------2226
4 Tuonos [Pink Pteri] (shapu)-------------------------22195 Samniann [Electric Zafara] (samniann) ----------------- 2207
6 Koshanda [Yellow Ogrin] (Neopetsmom) --------------- 2103
7 Anime_Michelle(nannerz)----------------1723
8 FrostbittenScorchio (Zenial)--------------------------1506
9 Ditto 731 [Rainbow Flotsam] (Ken) --------------------- 1436
10 LoopyBellagio [Pirate Lupe] (Bellagio) -------------- 1233
11 Beautiful_Fiend(jess1)------------------1172
12 Annikaneo (annika) --------------------- 1050
13 Catomano [Baby Kougra] (master_cat) -------------- 101814 firenzione (LaraLeigh) ----------------------- 93415 4of11 (Huggles) ---------------- 930
16 Metalmario (metalmario) ------------------921
17 Lupinleeius [Mutant Draik] (Jamie) ------------------- 917
18 Jett31337 [Spotted Moehog] (Mattjcasey)----------------908
19 Kitsella (ira_7700) --------------- 874
20 serpentblue [Mutant Grundo] (neobeth) -------------- 89121 MercuriusPretty [Pink Nimmo] (mercurius) -------------- 870
22 Laoran_flare [Mutant Draik] (Daze) ------------ 868
23 psychostallion [Robot Peophin] (psy)----------------- 861
24 Chipx2x(FrankieG)-------------------------821
25 Ira7700 (ira_7700) -------------- 819
26 Lypshun(Plagues Me)---------------------814
27 Gorves(teddymon)-----------------------810
28 Alaskawolf [Mutant Gelert] (Cranberry)----------------------800
29 ????????(Snickers)------------------------794
30 BlueDragon_969 (ira_7700) ---------------- 783
31 Cosmixca [Electric Kougra] (Hil) ------------- 751
32 Jungle_Treasure_2000 (deweycd) --------------- 737
33 ?????????(XenaAndGabrielle)-----------731
34 the_light_hope [Ghost Hissi] (Chakra_)-----------------705
35 Cpt_Black_Dragon (ira_7700) ---------- 701
36 angellove1(escaladeesv)---------------696
37 CutieAndyRoddick [Mutant Grundo] (atomicblonde) ------------- 686
38 FredFlinstone2 [Acara] (freddyflinstone) --------------------682
39 Roderick_Augustus [Maraquan Grarrl] (Historyteller)------------681
40 00sims [Speckled Aisha] (Anoohilator)-------------------66141 Dunsparce (plagatus) ------------------------- 640
42 I_am_843 (843) -------------- 635
43 kippardie(lemonberri)------------------622
44 First Pet [Island Buzz] (myname7772) ----------------- 612
45 ??????????? [Skunk Jetsam] (everconfused)-------------602
46 Varkin [Baby Lenny] (untouchable dragon) ----------------- 597
47 dangertempature [Jelly Blumaroo] (Catgrrrrrrl) ------------------ 594
48 Abe3755 [Ice Chia] (mogster500) ------------------577
49 ???????? (Russell) -------------------- 553
50 Dark_Shark_Attacking [Red Scorchio] (smoker) ----------------- 547
51 ?????????? (ggagahc) ----------------- 545
52 Angels_Tear_Demon [Snow Usul] (Emerald Isle) -------------- 540
53 Herzogvormund [Maraquan Elephante] (Duke of Earl)-------------525
54 Blueberrymoss (Kurisutaru)--------------524
55 sklooka(Experiment)-----------------------520
T56 Bloody__shadow (benladesh) --------------------- 518
T56 yugioh7_2001 [Split Lenny] (siouxper) -------------------------- 51858 Sobakasu_Freckles (Metalmario)-------------------- 513
59 LinusSpaceHead(Dragonstar) ---------------502
60 Asilianas(Gemhustler)----------------------501
61 Arenski [Jelly Usul] (magikwishez) ---------------- 479
62 Kaotika [Darigan Eyrie] (Huggles) --------------- 478
63 ???????????(sirclucky) ---------------------469
64 Posiden_30 (Anti-Borg) --------------- 468
65 ianaho573_2_2_2 [Split Lenny] (c5ac5b9) ---------------- 46666 Rawkish [Shadow Gelert] (Katy) -------------- 460
67 Rohainne (ladyflame) --------------- 453
68 BamBamFlinstone [Tyrannian Koi] (freddyflinstone) -------------------- 440
69 liquidnitrogenneo (theonlysaneone) ------------- 436
70 Oompky [Green Kacheek] (ScottNak) ------------ 429
71 ???????? [Green Krawk] (endeavourl) ----------------414
72 Cherrie340 [Brown Blumaroo] (_ei) -------------------- 409
73 huesland [Fire Blumaroo] (huesland) -------------------- 405
74 Fredodo [Green Elephante] (bean_jean) ---------------- 40375 Elementrilliast (Pixa) ------------------------- 396
76 ???????? (bunnylover212) ------------- 393
T77 Karen677(Robert2100)------------------392
T77 psyredin [Mutant Draik] (evenstar) ---------------- 392
79 ????????? [Red Eyrie] (david0184) --------------- 389
80 I_Love_Pudding [Yellow Wocky] (puddingofevil) --------------- 386
81 skulledlizdra [Striped Elephante] (Matchbow)---------------------385
82 PahmoPahmoneo [Baby Yurble] (_jennythegreat_) ------------------ 381
83 MyWifeCaroline [Red Wocky] (arogance1) --------------- 380
84 ???????? [Faerie Meerca] (Christopher)-----------------372
85 Drilax [White Grundo] (Rakumel) ------------- 36786 Penguinboy723 (-Ducky-)----------------357
87 Komodo.. (Trick) ------------------------352
88 Kiona_K (Ice)-----------------------------346
89 tweedledeeneoneo (poohroony) ---------------- 344
90 Best_Swimmer_1 [White Tuskaninny] (david0184) ------------- 342
91 ???????? [Faerie Meerca] (Christopher)-----------------341
92 MercuryGuardSapphira (psyco_chick32) ------------ 324
93 Lenny_mas_Grande(Kess)--------------311
94 You_Can_Call_Me_Kiko [Desert Shoyru] (huesland) --------------- 310
95 Foltaig [Mutant Lupe] (Laryxle) -------------- 307
T96 Aquaric (stinkyllama) -------------- 303
T96 PliGa(Sterl)------------------------------303
98 Rilteth (seiera) ------------------- 301
99 Rendiver [Grey Acara] (Jamie) ----------------- 294
100 magicofexcalibur [Jetsam] (Fool Hi) ------------ 290
101 HotRoxy68 [Electric Aisha] (HotRoxy) --------------- 289
102 Elemeni(Shifty)-------------------------287
103 Floodu [Baby Blumaroo] (afyapardess) ------------------ 286
104 Draculrahsa [Darigan Aisha] (Raza) ----------------- 283
105 KuzanPorchaly (lucifer) -------------------------278
106 DarkTemor (l_club23) ------------- 271
107 Jomateric [Royal JubJub] (paranoiapenguin) ----------------266
108 Scorcher5579neoneo (hakuryu_86)--266
109 Chibi_Longshot(magica)---------------265
110 Athena_304 [Island Acara] (_lexxia) ------------------ 260
111 Kyoki [Coconut JubJub] (c_shanholtzer) -------------- 257
112 Slarontartico [Pink Cybunny] (Jens) ------------- 256
113 HarlomGlobetroter (Omega)----------254
114 canada_girl2000 [Fire Gelert] (huesland) ----------------- 252
115 Friendly_coffee_nice [Cloud Kacheek] (dracir512) ------------------- 250
116 ?????????? [Plushie Krawk] (david0184)----------------- 243
117 ????????(Twisted Sanity)------------------240
118 Kuroiji [Darigan Lupe] (ecstacy) ------------------- 236
119 Metonot [Plushie Korbat] (Jacob) -------------- 231
120 Leo123491 [Darigan Krawk] (david0184) ----------------- 226
121 ??????????(freddyflinstone 2nd pet)--------------------218
122 Arnail(Takato)-------------------------217
123 jeaurox99519(hyperflutterby)------------216
124 clearwater_1(coolnerd15)------------------214
125 Blue_Dragon_Flyer_20 (digitel_anime_fan_20) -------------------- 206
126 Shenannia [Green Zafara] (Rognik) ---------------205
127 ?????????(pattypus)----------------------197
128 Darkcloud911 [Blue Chomby] (smoker) ------------------- 189
129 Gaff_Tape (larph) -------------- 180
T130 Lenandra [Green Lutari] (pinkflamingonewsgirl) --------------- 178
T130 ????????? [Mutant Jetsam] (Rognik) ---------------- 178
132 Majin_vegito [Faerie Shoyru] (Hil) -------------- 176
133 BobberAnne69 [Island Elephante] (hallucinating) ----------------- 171
134 pookiesox [Yellow Ruki] (missnk) ------------- 166
T135 Capillata [Robot Acara] (Officer 1BD1) ------------- 165
T135 Zerolegend [Christmas Ogrin] (Bart) ----------- 165
137 Second Pet [Faerie Shoyru] (myname7772) ------------------- 162
138 Canydian (burntouttrash) -------------------- 153
139 midibid[Island Shoyru] (Katy) ----------------- 151
140 Poogyfaere [Mutant Meerca] (immortal_demon2000) ---------------- 150
141 greeneo2000 [Fire Eyrie] (datrulegend) ----------------149
142 GoddessGenevieve (thelilbear) --------------------- 139
143 WakkoStar1962 [Pirate Blumaroo] (Rakumel) ------------- 136
144 Maggieloo77 [Pink Usul] (immortal_demon2000) ---------------------- 135
145 ???????? (fujifox) ----------------- 133
146 SnowFaerie_Quester [Tyrannian Scorchio] (WIS) ------------------- 130
147 matthew_evan [Mutant Lenny] (mayanspypilot) ---------------- 124
148 kirloci443 (draconis) ----------------- 117
149 wwhattsagnorbu [Pirate Gnorbu] (whhattisthiss) ---------------- 113
150 Cameron_Kirsten (remybuxaplentyfan) --------------------------112
T151 Fireball [Mutant Scorchio] (ArwenEarendil)-----------------111
T151 Ramlulet [Ghost Poogle] (pardona_ii) ----------------- 111
153 SophiaRilke [Red Ogrin] (heiligeglut) --------------- 105
154 Ylysander [Halloween Yurble] (pinkflamingonewsgirl) ---------------- 104
155 joe_jr_neo [Baby Grarrl] (bellagio) ----------------- 98
156 SundownOnATuesday (twinklyspangle) ----------------- 94
157 RunRedRaw [Desert Petri] (datrulegend) ---------------90
158 Lovely_White71 [Christmas Kacheek] (charlixsparkles) ---------------- 90
159 Danelle_7363 [Baby Aisha] (DM was on fire!)-------------------------86
160 ???????????? (beastkw) --------------- 85
161 Hirmuli [Darigan Zafara] (pupu) --------------- 83
162 Krissa288 (Chivewarrior) ------------------ 75
T163 Stevenrulesjr1 [Blue Kacheek] (ryan.riverside) -------------- 60
T163 Blumaroolikewhoa (reganlikewhoa) ---------------- 60
165 Quinlantine [Faerie Yurble] (pinkflamingonewsgirl) 59
166 ynicholas [Blue Lutari] (pinkflamingonewsgirl) -------------- 58
167 flames_phoenix (milz_monkey) ------------------- 54
168 Kenkyuudaimoku [Darigan Moehog] (ArwenEarendil)--------------53
169 fanda485_9 [Green Xweetok] (Roxas_X) ----------- 48
170 Raamka [Red Xweetok] (ryan.riverside) -------------- 45
171 Abaddon_ (hyperflutterby)-------------------------------40
172 Grab_Life_By_The_Jub [Blue JubJub] (ryan.riverside) -------------- 35
173 Assatsu [Mutant Korbat] (ArwenEarendil)---------------------28
This list is current as of 12:09 Eastern Time on 13 December 2007.
Bold indicates new data has been posted since the last list update.
How is Score Calculated?Score is calculated by adding
Defense, and
Hit Points (called
endurance at training schools). No other stats count, as they do not have any known effect except with very specific and rare weapons or armor.
For example, a pet with the following stats:
Health: 47/50
Strength: 25
Defense: 13
Move: 12
Intelligence: 100
Would have a PPT score of 50+25+13, or 88, points.
How do I get on the list?If your pet is currently on the list, and you are updating its stats or species, please indicate that somehow (like putting the word "update" in your post). If you are introducing a new pet to the list, please indicate that as well.
Good luck, and happy training!
Last edited by
shapu on Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:09 pm, edited 30 times in total.