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Question about the Sloth Clones

Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:18 pm

Why are the sloth clones, who are rated 85, the mission after the Ghostkerchief which is 250?

Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:48 pm

Well... there are 4 of them... so technically we're fighting
85 x 4 = 340 difficulty? :P

Who knows. Maybe they thought we deserved a break. The Ghostkerchief was definitely a headache.....

Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:13 pm

Since they changed the 1 player fights so they can only use 1 use items like scorchstones once, the Ghostkerchief didn't seem that tough compared to Meerca bros

Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:27 pm

arogance1 wrote:Since they changed the 1 player fights so they can only use 1 use items like scorchstones once, the Ghostkerchief didn't seem that tough compared to Meerca bros

wow! they changed it? that's insane! *goes to check*
it looks true. chia clown only uses dpp once.well then, i think it's time i fought that giant ghostkerchief now. he doesn't seem too bad.

Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:40 am

Hey, I didn't know that either. Maybe that's why I get to Mission 17 easily in a week since I get Snow Beast.
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