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Dreams and Wishlists

Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:37 am

What are your goals, dream pets, etc.? What are some things you hope to accomplish on neopets?

My dream Pets:

Darigan Draik

Darign Hissi

Halloween Kougra

Maraquan Eeyrie

My goals:

Earn 20mil NP

Obtain all of my dream pets

Set up a newbie good samaritan organization (A group that helps Neopets New Member get off on the right track to completing their goals)

Get a top score on a game (top 100 at least)
Last edited by Shadow_Twisted on Tue May 09, 2006 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:34 am

Hmm...domination over neopia. Win the lottery again, and again. Hit the jackpot on buried treasure. Buy better weapons. Get a faerie Xweetok.

Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:32 pm


I'd really like the top banking account. But that's not likely to happen. I earn about 100 NP on average per day, if we factor in all the days I don't go onto Neopets. :(

I'd like to live off my interest too. ;)

I want to invest in my gallery. :)

Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:52 pm

I was just making up one of these lists yesterday:

Pets and Colors
* Morph Capi into a Draik and paint her Tyrannian
* Paint Domi (Xweetok) something cool (Faerie isn't appealing anymore)
* Zap a Pteri or Cybunny Robot
* Remorph Zam (Zafara) Mutant
* Paint Moko (Ogrin) something cool, as soon as such a color exists
* Keep one of my Cybunny spares (iffin I have one), morph it Lutari, and paint it something cool

* Find matching petpets for all of them

Beauty Contest
* Win a gold trophy for each of my pets
* Win first place overall

Neopean Times
* Publish a comic
* Publish a short story
* Publish enough of the first two to get the avatar

* Train my BD pet to 50-50-50 stats. Then 150-150-150. Then 250-250-250....
* Finish series 1 and 2 of Defenders of Neopia

* Complete my Omelette Gallery
* Start a plushie gallery, focusing on one pet or another

* Build a neohome
* Furnish it like there's no tomorrow

* Become a multi-millionaire. 10 million is probably my rough goal, but I wouldn't be against earning more.

Edit: New pet painting plans....
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Mon May 01, 2006 7:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:32 pm

Dream Pets

Maraquan Grarrl, Mallow Grundo


Get my Pyramids high score up to 2mil.
Get the Cave Chia and Mr. Chuckles as BD challengers.
Get 300 game scores.
Have 1mil NP in my bank account.
Beat the Black Pteri in the BD.

Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:23 pm

- get the ultimate weapons
- train firenze to level 250
- complete defenders of neopia
- get 20 mil

and maybe, after all of that,

- make firenze a draik
- paint her maraquan


Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:14 pm

complete my kadoatie gallery.. *dreams*

and at the rate they are increasing in price :( it is going to stay that way.. *sigh*

i would also love to have one of the kadoatary trophies :) even if its bronze, i would love one <3

Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:42 pm

_lexxia wrote:
Get the Cave Chia and Mr. Chuckles as BD challengers.

It's easy to get them... only refreshing o_O I've got them at first time I visited their places without refreshing :)

Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:00 pm

I'd love a The Snowager card. why, you ask? i missed restocking one this morning because i tried to haggle. agh. :cry:

Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:54 pm

Doopku-Poland wrote:
_lexxia wrote:
Get the Cave Chia and Mr. Chuckles as BD challengers.

It's easy to get them... only refreshing o_O I've got them at first time I visited their places without refreshing :)

Random events hate me, that's why I've been having trouble getting them.

Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:09 pm

_lexxia: It was same with me ( but Chuckles was at first try ) hehehe... you must have friend or someone else who is lucky and that friend or someone must refresh it for you ! :)

Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:43 pm

As far as pets go, I want to finish the lab map and use it to make pets from the adoption centre pretty so other people will be more likely to adopt them. I'd also like to get a Nimmo transmortification (I'm not sure if that's right, but she'll be mutant...) then paint that pet faerie.
Item wise I'd like to finish my asparagus collection, as well as build up my faerie food, plushie and Christmasy item gallaries (well, all one really) some more.
Game wise, I'd like to get the Bronze trophy for Neoquest 2. Which I shoud get soon. Gold eventualy.

Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:37 pm

I want to paint or zap my pets pirate (eyrie, kougra, lupe) and have matching petpets for them. Also, I want to raise their stats for the BD. This is pretty far in the future though unless the lab ray decides it likes me!

Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:42 pm

I want to get all my pets nicely painted (Royal for my lupe, Pirate for my Bori, and something exciting for my lutari and my battle pet-to-be) with matching petpets, get a good weapons set, win the site spotlight, write something decent for the NT, get a game high score trophy...
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