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What does this mean?

Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:02 pm


what does this mean? Krawks cannot be made in this way - you will have to visit Krawk Island to work out the mystery of how to get one :)

Ist there a way to get a krawk? And if yes, how?


Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:39 pm

To get a krawk, you need to bring a petpet krawk to the fungus caves on krawk island. The krawk's name needs to be a currently unused pet name, and you need to have less than 4 pets in order for this to work.

Other ways of getting a krawk are using morphing/transmogrification potions or using a magical krawk plushie.

Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:39 pm

Yes. Here is how you get Krawk:
1) Make sure you do not have 4 neopets
2) Attach a Krawk petpet to one of your neopets.
3) Go to your pet status page and click on your Krawk petpet.
4) Once there, name it.
5) Go to

The guide is on this page

I hope this helps!

Sun Apr 16, 2006 7:21 pm

Thank you very much! I will try it!
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