For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:43 am

I currently restock at stamps, am quite good at it, can make up to 150k in one night sometimes. But, it's the only place I've ever retocked. Ever. So any way, blah blah blah...

What is there good to buy at furniture?

Or, any other good places to restock? (Preferably one of the other furniture or garden shops)

Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:58 am

WoW, since you regularly shops at the Stamp shop, the furniture shop should'n be a problem. Tried restocking there, mostly to get my furniture stuff. But the spekers are good, and they come out at the second last line. Twig table is good too, I know, I needed more than 20 of it for my home, and I bought it from ppl shop @ around 17k. Iron desk selling at 12k, stuff like that.

Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:23 pm

I'm only good at stamps becuase I used to collect them (only got to about 120) but I found out which stamps were ub and which were the rare ones (on the bottom line of the album). So... might give furniture a go.

Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:50 pm

The best thing, I think, is to go hang out in the store you want to restock in. For a day or two, when it restocks, don't buy anything. Instead, open a new window and check the prices of everything using the shop wiz... and I mean, run the shop wiz search like 10 times per item.

Then make yourself a list of what the store price is, and what the shop wiz price is.

Once you have done this for a day or so, you will have a good idea of which items you want to go after!

If you ever run across something that you can't remember or don't have on your list, just check it on the shop wiz. If you miss it, well, so be it... I guarantee if it was a good deal you missed, you'll remember it clearly next time :)
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