For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:14 am
..and I have no idea why
Since last night I've had 6 items appearing ( nothing expensive, just furniture and stuff like that). They weren't given to me and I haven't bought them so where are they coming from? I reported the first one because I already had that object and I thought it might be a glitch that made it look like I had two when I only had one, but now completely new items are appearing. I can only think of two people who might be buying stuff for me, but neither of them know my password. What do I do with all this stuff? I don't want to use it in case it is a glitch and I get frozen or something for taking advantage of it
I know nthis is an odd post but I really am quite confused. I'm going to change my password and clear my cookies and see what happens...
Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:44 am
Exactly what items have you received ?
Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:32 am
you ought to change your password just to be on the safe side.
Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:12 pm
Did it affect your neopoints when those items appeared?
Changing you password is probably the best thing you can do, other than that you should probably check your email address to make sure that if someone has gotten into your account they can't just retrieve it again through email.
Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:06 pm
Something similar happened to me a few days ago. A few items appeared, and my neopoint value seemed different. I also had a new room built on my neohome for some reason. A password change shut that down quickly, but it was still odd.
Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:34 pm
I had just been demolishing rooms on my Neohome, so maybe that's something to do with it. I'm not sure if my NP went fown, but unless I'm specifically going to buy an item, when I just take out the ammount of NP I need, I'll just carry around 100 NP which isn't enough to buy these things, plus you need to know my PIN to take any NP out. The items that appeared are a Wock Til You Drop Poster (I already had one in my inventory but now there's another), a pink rug, pretty pink pillows, pink vanity desk, faerieland style windows and a full length mirror. I already sent a bug report last night when the poster appeared, and I'm going to try sending one to the Premium bug address about the new stuff. It's all very weird
Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:05 pm
if you are demolishing your neohome, chances are that is where those items are coming from because they are all furniture/decoration items. i forgot that i had decorated my neohome and when i was demolishing it the same thing happened to me.
Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:28 pm
^^ Tadaa!! I think we found a solution.
same thing happened to me when I demolished my Neohome!
These items showed up in my inventory, and couldn't figure it out until I remembered where I had seen them before
Is it possible that's what happened with your "new items" too?
Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:22 pm
Hehe yeah I think that's what happened. That stuff had been in my Neohome for about 2 years so I completely forgot about it *feels silly*
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