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Where is the Cave Chia?

Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:44 am

My question exactly...

Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:50 am

You can look 'em up on the IDB ->

Anyway, you'll find the Cave Chia here ->

Good luck!

cave chia

Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:34 am

Hello. Has anyone gotten the Cave Chia lately? I'm asking because I keep going to the link provided above, and refreshing, and I still haven't gotten him. Can it take a long time, or is it possible that TNT moved him? Thanks

Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:05 am

If you go to the Tyrannian Jungle and just click on the cave paintings link, then refresh there, you should get him.

Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:29 am

I have visited there since last year at least once every 2 day and refresh like crazy but no sign of cave chia......
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