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Neoboards scam!

Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:24 am

Another one. One of those I'll-give-you-a-prize-if-you-have-more-neopoints-then me. he said that he coulds tell us ours. When will they give up? The prize is to get scammed :x

Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:31 am

So how exactly does this scam work? I mean... what does he do? Ask for your pw to verify your NP?

Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:50 am

Johnnydontgo wrote:So how exactly does this scam work? I mean... what does he do? Ask for your pw to verify your NP?

No, he is asking people to post how much neopoints they have, saying they'll get a "prize". I'm sure he knows how to hack, just doesn't know who to hack.

Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:29 am

Jonny, I assume that's exactly what happens.

Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:07 am

I've seen those types of topics on the chats it seems forever. Whether it's a potential scam or plain noseyness, the best thing is to just pass that post by. I used to go on those and say none of your business, or something like that, but now? Like I say, I just keep going.

Same for people who post looking for specific painted pets, you know, those All (put pet species/color here) post here and inside will usually say it's either a guild contest (which are against the rules) or they just want to see the pet. I just don't trust those either. If it's a "I just want to see" I direct them nicely (honest!) to the rainbow pool.
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