Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:34 pm
Cleaner Code, Better Browsing and A Safer Neopia!
All HTML and Stylesheet must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.
Betatest Code Check
* Setting this option checks all the words inside your html or stylesheets to make sure we know those words. Yes, check my code please:
* When this moves out of betatesting, it will not be optional.
Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:45 pm
Xalaxracer wrote:Cleaner Code, Better Browsing and A Safer Neopia!
All HTML and Stylesheet must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.
Betatest Code Check
* Setting this option checks all the words inside your html or stylesheets to make sure we know those words. Yes, check my code please:
* When this moves out of betatesting, it will not be optional.
Found it when editing my pets lookups. Its good they're doing this to scan all style sheets and stuffNo more cgs hopefully ..
Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:32 pm
Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:55 pm
Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:05 pm
Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:15 pm
Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:34 am
Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:52 am
Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:12 pm
dolphinling wrote:Is it just me, or does this not do anything for non-premium yet? I've tested a bunch of things and it seems to be acting just the way it always did, checkbox checked or not.
If I understand what it is I think they're doing, though.. Gah. It's better than what they used to have—a lot better than what they used to have—but still not perfect.
Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:02 pm
everconfused wrote:dolphinling wrote:Is it just me, or does this not do anything for non-premium yet? I've tested a bunch of things and it seems to be acting just the way it always did, checkbox checked or not.
If I understand what it is I think they're doing, though.. Gah. It's better than what they used to have—a lot better than what they used to have—but still not perfect.
I have not tried using this on my unpremium spare (I really need to log in there and feed my pets!), so I don't know if it's not doing anything or if your coding is good *shrug*.
everconfused wrote:If what you think they're doing is trying to filter "bad" stuff and basically putting the responsibility on us, the players, then that is kind of what it is. No, it's not perfect - better, but not perfect. Don't think perfection is possible, is it? I do think the programmers should be going through the site and finding the holes that allow this stuff in the first place and fix them. And have this coding "pass" method.
everconfused wrote:I for one actually hope they don't allow music anymore. I know it was banned for awhile, then people found a code that worked around the filters for it. Don't like music, makes pages take way long to load or even freeze the browser and if I have my speakers on, it's likesometimes.