Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:44 pm
Betatest Code Check
Setting this option checks all the words inside your html or stylesheets to make sure we know those words. Yes, check my code please:
If we do not know those words, you will receive an error message when you submit.
This check helps stop scammers from trying to post harmful code. If you receive an error message, it does not mean we think you are a scammer, it means you might need to fix or remove some words that the message indicates.
Chances are, you will be able to use your code, but may need to have it follow proper html rules so that we can check it properly for bad words. This helps us keep the site safe.
Also, passing this check does not mean the html will appear correctly or that it is properly written. (For example, <i>hi</b> will pass validation).
If you do not receive an error message after submitting, it passed.
Testing will continue throughout the rest of the site one area at a time.
If you have issues you cannot resolve, please include the code in your report. Thanks
Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:59 pm
Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:59 am
Troggy7 wrote:Dont they already have one of those?
Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:20 pm
everconfused wrote:Troggy7 wrote:Dont they already have one of those?
Troggy, I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, there are things that should never be able to get by TNT's filters, but this is something different.
The beta testing I wasn't going to say anything about, simply because it is still in testing and there are some things to be fixed ... like on petpages you'll now get an error for certain things that need to be in quotation marks. The problem is, you can put those in but once you click Update the marks disappear. They always have, but now to update your petpage you'll have to keep putting them in or get the error.
My gallery, shop, lookup and 3 of my petpages are completely clean -- they all passed (after finding the most bizarre errors and ripping my hair out trying to find them) - but one of my petpages I just can't get to pass. Of course it's the one that is viewed the most
All in all it's a great idea and to me it shows that TNT does care and they are trying to stop the cg'ers, shop pricing scammers, etc.
For those who are not premium, what this basically does is this: You would go to your shop, gallery, lookup or petpage and click to update that page. If there's a problem, a new page will appear telling you there is a problem with such and such a code or that certain words are not allowed. What you need to do then is go back and go through your code (the problem is not highlighted there for you unfortunately) and find what the problem is, fix it, and try to update your page again. If there's no problem, the page will just update. If there's still a problem, you'll get yet another Oops page.