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Pet Statistic Changes

Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:00 am

I've been compiling in one place, all stat changers possible. Or so I think lol. I'm sure I'm missing something from the list - if you see something please say so! I've got intelligence, gender, and height/weight on here too, so it's not just battledome training!

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Terror Trove scratchcard (chance of +1)
Random Event (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
dice-a-roo (?)
Deadly Dice (+/-)
Light Faerie Quest (+1)
Space Faerie Quest (+4)
Faerie Queen Quest (+1)
Cool Negg (+1-2)
Level Up Shroom (+1)
Super Negg (+1)
Irritable Genie-In-A-Bottle (+1-3)
Mega Power Plusshroom (+1)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)
Kaylas Super Special Potion (chance of +1)

Health Points
Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
Dark Faerie Quest (+2)
Faerie Queen Quest (+3)
Cool Negg (+1-3)
Faerie Queen Negg (+1)
Muntando Fruit (chance of +1)
Purple Spotted Shroom (chance of +1)
Snegg (+2-3)
Spiked Negg (+2-3)
Super Negg (+1-3)
Mummified Scroll (+1-3)
Witchy Negg (chance of +2)
Mega Power Plusshroom (+1)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Random Event (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
Turmaculus (+)
Fire Faerie Quest (+2)
Faerie Queen Quest (+3)
Cool Negg (+1-3)
Essence Of Drackonack (chance of +1-2)
Ferocious Negg (+1-3)
Power Negg (+1)
Purple Spotted Shroom (chance of +1)
Strength Serum (+1-4)
Strength Shroom (+1-3)
Twisted Potion of Strength (chance of +/- 5)
Mega Power Plusshroom (+1)
Greater Earthen Potion (+2)
Kaleideonegg (random)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Coltzan Shrine (+)
Water Faerie Quest (+2)
Basic Power Negg (chance of +1)
Bomberry Elixir (chance of +1)
Cooling Balm Of The Warrior (chance of +1-2)
Silver Knight Negg (+1-2)
Kauvaras Marvellous Potion (only kaus) (+1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)
Kaylas Super Special Potion (chance of +1)

Laboratory (+/-)
Training Schools (+)
Kitchen Quests (+)
Air Faerie Quest (+2)
Cool Negg (+1-3)
Snegg (+2-3)
Super Fast Shroom (+1)
Super Negg (+1-3)
Mummified Scroll (-1-3)
Kaleideonegg (random)

Fight Mad Scientist
Kaleideonegg (random)
Strange Potion
Pocket Lab Ray
Witchy Negg
Cape of the Sun (turns male into female)

BBQ Porkwich
Pumpkin Negg (+1-2 lbs)
Earth Faerie Quest

Pumpkin Negg (-1-2 cm)
Lolly Snot

faerie crossword
wheel of knowledge
guess the card
genius negg
Witchy Negg (chance of +5)
Greater Earthen Potion (+2)

Changes stats but I don't know how:
Bullseye Potion ??
Intermediate Curses ??
Last edited by Asparagus Queen on Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:10 am, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:33 am

Hmm, I've never seen a list like this before, but it's interesting. Good work! 8)

Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:38 am

Thanks :)

Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:47 am

I think Turmy gives strength also...

Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:12 am

add coltzan for level, HP, defence, strength and movement

Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:13 am

Okay. :) I added in Turmy for strength, and Coltzan. I re-arranged the orders so they make a bit more sense too. Thanks!!

Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:15 am

This is wonderful, thanks, I think BBQ porkwich adds 2 pounds. One of my pets has eaten a lot of these. ... =L_E_phunk

Do you know if Lolly snot increases or decreases. I'd like to make L_E_phunk taller. It's not on the trading post or shop wizard this morning.

Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:17 pm

Lolly snot is a cooking pot item made with runny snot (which is 2 mill right now on the TP) and a lolly. It increases height, but I don't know how much.

Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:26 pm

Well at that price I won't be pursuing the project. I really do appreciate the information. I've been looking for it a long time. Even the folks at neoitems forums didn't know how to change a pets height.

Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:01 am

Cape of the Sun, when equipped to a male pet, will turn it into a female.

Strange, yes? But true nonetheless.

Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:04 am

anchororange wrote:Cape of the Sun, when equipped to a male pet, will turn it into a female.

Strange, yes? But true nonetheless.

Does that last just during a battle, or the whole time the cape is equipped?

Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:06 am

mayanspypilot wrote:
anchororange wrote:Cape of the Sun, when equipped to a male pet, will turn it into a female.

Strange, yes? But true nonetheless.

Does that last just during a battle, or the whole time the cape is equipped?


Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:10 am

Another one for the list. :D Thanks!

Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:55 am

Love this list <3 Have you considered adding the aprox cost to the items that cost np's ?

Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:21 pm

I have some of the cost scribbled down on a paper, but haven't typed them in yet.
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