For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:18 pm
Im not sure if this is the correct place, but im kinda getting desperate.
My account: I cant get into, i was mysteriously loged out of it and now i cant get back in. Iv tried about 10 times to get my passward but it never sends me the password and if i try to get my screename by sending my email adress it says it cant send screenames for passwords that have more then one account tied to them.
Is there any way left to try and get into my account!
Iv tried about ever combination i can think of that i might have used...I dont know why i would use something i couldint remember.
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:27 am
Forgetting you login name is quite unusual ... but I can see how it can happen on a new account.
Did you keep the e-mail you got when you created your account?
If you did, then there you go!
Can you check your cookies to see if your usermname was stored there?
Usually, when you are signed out and go to sign back in, the last signed in username is already filled in.
If not then.....
Assign your other account to a different e-mail (so you only have ONE account associated to your e-mail) then request!
Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:02 am
I know the user name, i type it in and its the correct account. I just cant access the password
Ill try changing the other email adresses but i dont think i remember the passwords for those...i dont even really remember those accounts
I had that account for 46 months and i havent really used any other accounts or anything
im pretty much screwed arnt I
Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:35 am
You might want to wait for a couple of days. Right now, there appears to be a problem with e-mails from Neopets. People have tried to create new accounts and haven't received activation codes. Other people have tried to change their e-mail addresses associated with Neopets and have not receive confirmations on either the old or new e-mail accounts.
Be patient, you might not get your e-mail password until tomorrow, if they even realize there's a problem with people getting e-mails from Neopets.
Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:53 pm
I really hope this dosent last a long time...the new plot is starting and i dont want to miss it.
Does anyone have the email adress for TNT...the bug report one, or maybe someone who could help me get into my account
Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:04 am
I would hope that they fix the e-mail problem as soon as possible as it's preventing a lot of people from doing a lot of things. If I had an e-mail address for TNT, I would give it to you, but with e-mails not getting through from them, I doubt it would really do any good at this point. I don't think you'll miss anything, at least not today. According to TNT, there is now no news on Monday, so technically, nothing plot-related should start today. If things change on the e-mail situation, I'm sure someone will post something in the general chat about it.
Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:25 am
YES! they just sent it to me!!!
Thankyou for your help
Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:30 am
I'm glad to hear you got something from them and that you can get back into your account!
Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:29 am
I also have a log in problem. I put in the correct name and password (confirmed by a reminder e-mail) but it says the combination is incorrect. I have checked the caps-lock, spelling, etc. I still can't get in. Now I have to wait an hour to try again. I haven't logged on for over a year now, I just felt like going back to it and now I can't. Anybody else had this problem before?
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