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Activation codes

Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:53 pm

Wasn't really sure where to post this. If there is already a discussion then can some one point me in the right direction please? I send a referral to my friend and she set up a neopets account. But she's just got in touch to say that she hasn't received an activation code yet. I don't really know what to tell her. She's checked her settings and her email address is correct, she's clicked the 'send activation code again' link. She asked me if it'll be anything to do with her email settings but I don't think it can be coz she's on hotmail and I never had any problem with hotmail.
Has anyone got any ideas that I can pass on please? Could it be because it's the weekend and the tnt aren't in?
If someone can shed any light on this matter I'd appreciate it :)

Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:13 pm

Did your friend check her junk email? Maybe the refferal code went in there. Its easy to miss. :)

Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:14 pm

She did check her junkmail folder, right? Sometimes my Neopets stuff winds up there, even though it shouldn't. And if she's already checked it, give it about a day. Hotmail has been much less reliable for me in terms of Neopets than other email providers.

Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:24 pm

Yeah I just called her back, she says it's not in her junkmail. Thanks for your replies. I'll tell her to be patient :P

Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:39 pm

I made a new account today and I haven't gotten ANY emails from Neopets. Not even the one saying I signed up. And I've tried to resend for the activation code.. but nothing. o_O

Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:08 am

Some email providers have blacklisted, so you'll never get the email if you're using those. To test an email account beforehand, send one of the neogreeting cards to the email address. If the email gets there, then they're accepting mail from If the email doesn't get there, it's time for the person to find another email provider for their new Neopets account.

Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:15 pm

I think it's broken, I can't get an account activated either.

Last week I went to self freeze an old account I never use, and TNT was doing it manually. I had to reply to an email from support the next day, and after that nothing happened. Who's ever heard of TNT manually helping you self ice??? It's still not iced, so I put up a notice that I am never touching it again and am not spending my whole life trying to get rid of it.

A few days ago I wanted to change the email on one account (so I can get all the email adverts from TNT but not have them in my main email), and that hasn't gone through either.

Day before yesterday I created my new account (total of 5 minus the one TNT won't let me ice, lol, their prob, not mine!). No activation code was sent, and I hit that resend button repeatedly several hours later. There is a form you can use (on the activation help page) but that hasn't gotten me a response so far.

It's becoming obvious there is a problem on their end, we'll just have to wait til they're back in the office tomorrow. I'm just glad I'm not the only one.

Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:19 pm

I also tried to change the e-mail address associated with my account today and nothing has come through. I think there is a problem on TNT's end.

Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:36 pm

Sometimes they backlog :( You might get the e-mail a few days later

Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:39 am

Still no email from them again today. I really need my Altachuck back.. and you can't send items if your account isn't activated. I guess I shouldn't have sent it over to attatch it to my Gelert. Bleh.

Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:46 pm

No luck here either. My friend text me this afternoon and she still hasn't received an activation code. I'm fairly sure that it isn't blacklisted by hotmail as I've been playing neopets for ages now and I regularly receive neopets emails. o_O

Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:25 pm

Well, it's only around 11:25 a.m. at the offices and it is Monday. Anyone who works can tell you that anything that can and will happen is usually on Mondays and Fridays (office Murphy's Law). I do hope they get whatever this problem is straightened out quick.

People need to get their activation codes, lost password and other important emails (like unfreezing a cg'ed account) from TNT.

Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:04 am

Well hot dog! Got home just now and have email from support sent 4 hours ago :D They activated my new account (remember I used their form on the activation page) and are just asking me to go in and verify that all my info is correct.

*runs to do that*

I hope everyone else gets their activation, looks like TNT knows about it so you might not have long to wait if you don't have it already :)

Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:22 am

I finally got to activate my new account. Right after I sent an email to Heidi asking if she could activate it for me. =x Oh well. xD. I also had tons of Neomails from TNT saying my e-mails bounced, etc.

Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:45 pm

My friend also got her activation code today and has entered the happy world of Neopia at last. :D
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