For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Brag and Pout!

Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:19 pm

Please god tell me there isnt one of these already made. If there is, Im so very blind.

Old thread:

:( I havnt gotten anything from the tomb in 2 weeks. No lie
:) I won 100 np a few days ago, and 50 nps today from the fruit machine
:roll: I think my petpet labray broke. Gotten the 'Bzzzrp' message for about a week straight now

Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:51 pm

I'll take... fault for that. (I got caught up this morning and sorta... forgot to make the new thread. Don't lynch me! Mods have brains too! And mine just wasn't functioning properly this morning!).

Anywho. If this ever happens again (which I hope it doesn't), then you can PM a staff member and lament the fact that somethings happened to the gloat/cry thread, or whatever thread that it may be rather then making your own. This way we can sticky it without confusing people.

So locked. *grovels in an apologetic manner for the next few seconds while you read this... ending... now*
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