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Troubled about adopted pets

Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:55 pm

For a while now I had taken a suggestion that I saw here at PPT and adopted pets to make them stronger and prettier and more adoptable- I use lab ray, Coltan's Shrine, and the pet's NP day to bring up the stats.

When the pet is all prettied up, I return it to the pound, and almost always the pet is adopted before I even have time to find and adopt another homeless pet.

I have kept a list of the pets I fixed up, and today I checked some of the older pets just out of curiosity.

I shouldn't have done it. Of the 8 of the earliest pets that I had fixed up, one belonged to a frozen account, all had zero or very few hitpoints, two were sick, none had been given any further training. The owners hadn't been around for two weeks to two months. One pet that I had sent off with a petpet had the petpet taken from him and none given back to him. :(

I know it is just a game and that the pets are not real, but I had spent months sometimes building the pets up, and I get a bit attached to some of them. A solution would be to fix them up and open my own accounts for them, but I don't want other accounts, and besides we are only allowed so many.

So I need to get a grip and fix them up and hope they get a good home, but so far I am discouraged. Maybe this is a part of NP that I shouldn't be playing.

What do you think?
Last edited by Arka on Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:58 pm

All three of my pets that I abandoned were adopted by people who haven't visited the site since... well, the adoption. :(

You might want to try adopting through the PPT forums, if you haven't been already. It won't guaruntee that the same thing won't happen, but it'll greatly decrease the chances, I think.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:00 pm

You can try an adoption agency like and then you can take aplacations.I do my adoptions there.
Last edited by Katherine on Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:16 pm

Thank you for the suggestions!

I just found the thread about adoptions that has been locked. I had never heard of auto-adoptions- I am amazed that there is such a thing. But why would anyone do that? To snag pets with rare colors to sell them? But it is so risky to try to transfer pets that I can't imagine selling them, which is against the rules anyway, working.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:17 pm

Well..I also do the lab ray thing with adopted pets, and offer them back to other neopians who ask..But my friend from gaia wanted a draik once, and I had 2. So..I gave her the one I had that won pet spotlight, and from looking at it, she hasn't really taken care of it at's always sick and has no hit points, hasn't been trained anymore, and she disappears for months at a time. I kinda wish I'd kept him now o.o....

but the billopan thing is a good idea :) I put a krawk up there for adoption once, and she got a very nice home!

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:27 pm

I lab ray pets for fun as I don't have any in particular I'm after, I find that if I keep it long enough to change into a redraw colour the chances of it going to a nice home are greatly increased. I also only pick up ones that have capitalised nice names as then even if the colour they turn isn't great they usually get picked up by someone wanting to lab them further.

I find adopting out through here or Neocolours is best - especially on Neocolours where we have a list of nice named plain colour pets people are zapping that can be adopted by anyone :)

But it always happens, I've pounded some really nice pets in my time and around half are probably on frozen or abandoned accounts.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:35 pm

What is a redraw color?

I see what you are saying about letting people who might take care of the pet know.

I like to adopt grarrls and skeiths, since they eat almost anything. :)

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:36 pm

Arka wrote:What is a redraw color?

I see what you are saying about letting people who might take care of the pet know.

I like to adopt grarrls and skeiths, since they eat almost anything. :)

I know.I've never had one but I'll lab one soon.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:45 pm

I wouldn't be too concerned about hit points. Those come and go quickly.

I used to zap pets for adoption. I got disillusioned too. Especially about an Island Uni with great hit points and battledome equipment. I thought the person totally was neglecting her (no more battle scores or a petpet) but later on the owner neomailed me saying how much she LOVED the uni.

Grooming her and feeding her fun foods.... Care can mean SO many things on neopets. Some people battle, some think it's cruel. Some people feed thier pets omelettes, some stuff them full of gormet food. Don't get upset at how other people play as long as the do play ;)

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:49 pm

I post my zapped pets here on PPT. Reminds me, I need to repost one now.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:58 pm

luv2lindy77 wrote:I post my zapped pets here on PPT. Reminds me, I need to repost one now.

I posted one here once that wasn't getting adopted, and somebody gave it a home right away. I was very happy.

If someone asks for a pet that I mention here or at billopan, if I put it up for adoption then, there is no guarantee that somebody else won't come along and grab it up before the person can get it, is there? Maybe having the pet's name gives the person you want to get the pet an advantage?

Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:21 pm

A redraw colour is just one that isn't a simple colourfill, redraws go from halloween, tyrannian, grey, faerie etc - any where the pet shape changes tend to be more desirable than ones like shadow or purple. And that means it's more likely someone from somewhere like PPT will want them :)

On Neocolours we tend not to post the name of the pet, just the stats, colour etc and a pic - if someone is interested they can PM you for the name. That's what I've done when I've put pets up on this forum too, means they are less likely to get sniped ^__^

Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:38 pm

I alway go through here. If after a while no one claimes the pet, I offer it to the neoboards, like I did with that horrid halloween chia

As for me, I love my pets. I adopted a mutant ruki from someone a long time ago.
Since then I trained him 8 levels. Not much, but oh well. Gave him a petpet with a petpetpet, drew pictures for him, and entered him into the BC many times.

With other pets I adopt I alway draw pictures for them, and train them when I can. (Pet days, or neopets birthday) I also enter them in the BC too.

I know everyones not like that, and just throw them away on a side account to rot, but I dont. If only everyone could be like that... *sigh*

Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:47 pm

Very good ideas! Thank you very much!

And thank you for the definition of redraw.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:49 pm

HP are definately a thing that comes and goes. The pets on my main (who I'm very attached to) actually spend a lot of time with 0 HP, since I try to visit the Snowager several times a day and feed my pets on freebies that don't heal them like actual food does. :-)

I've done all my adoptions via NC, and yeah, while it's not perfect you have a much larger chance of someone really wanting and caring for the pet if you don't just pound them.

It really pays to hang on to lab rats until you get a nice or unusual color, and to never adopt a lab rat that doesn't have a nice, capitalized, pronouncable name, with no underscores and no numbers. That's what people seem to want.
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