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Testing Weapon for Defense

Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:28 am

How do I test a shield for the number of icons that it blocks?

I currently have a shield (ruby krawk shield) that the idb site does not have info for, but dont know how to test it.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:00 pm

I guess either do a 1 or 2 player battle. One player you can at least choose different opponents and test according to what their attack is and go from there.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:27 pm

I can do some attacks on you with your sheild.My neopets acount is kcharles.

Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:07 pm

This is from the rules thread in the "Weapon Information and Updates" forum at IDB:

Please read this walkthrough on how to test defence items:

1. The most accurate way to test a weapon is to have a High Defence Boost pet use the item against a Low Strength Boost pet. So find a friend who can help you test it.

2. Check the Neopets Battlepedia to find out which icons the weapon defends, and then equip the attacking pet with weapons that use all these icons.

3. Now, this is very important. Make sure the pet with the defensive item clicks the Go! button second

4. Once the next page appears, apply this formula (assuming YOU are the one with the defensive item):

Standard Icons = Shown Icons Defended * Attackers Strength Boost / Defenders Defence Boost

6. The result is the correct standard icons, and this is what you should report to us

There is also another way, however it is less accurate:

1. Find a 1-player opponent whos hp is the same as your defence
(1-players hp = their str and also = their def)

2. When the result appears, the icons shown = the standard defence of the item, and you should report this value to us.

It's pretty complicated, which is why I never bother testing defence items for them, only attack. ;)
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