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New Altador weapons!

Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:46 am

He he, I just nabbed one of the new weapons! Warriors Round Shield. I will test it out a little, then post what I find. I'm happy :D

How is everyone else faring with the new weapons?

I have been using it, and it seems to defend some Physical and some fire, but I need to test it against some more people....

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:59 am

Serpent Scroll does 3 dark constant, not sure about fractional, multiple use
Exploding Potion does 2 light 2 fire constant, not sure about fractional, once per battle

Magical Healing potion is 15 heal, once per battle

Altadorian Practice Helmet defends at least air, light, and physical... not sure how much.

Chalice thingy has a description of "Loved by the Heroes of Altador, this Chalice might heal those who use it. Limited Use." but appears to do nothing... unactivated, perhaps.

All this from my own and my friends' testing :)

Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:11 am

Enchanted Wooden Bow does 2 fire, 2 air, 3 light, 1-3 phys. Very good for its rarity and eventual price.

Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:28 am

Cranberry wrote:Enchanted Wooden Bow does 2 fire, 2 air, 3 light, 1-3 phys. Very good for its rarity and eventual price.

What rarity is it?

Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:33 am

theonlysaneone wrote:
Cranberry wrote:Enchanted Wooden Bow does 2 fire, 2 air, 3 light, 1-3 phys. Very good for its rarity and eventual price.

What rarity is it?[/quote
Rarity 78. I just checked the Trading post. BTW the lowest price I am seeing on one of these is 200k.

Though I just checked the IDB, and here is a little tid-bit I think people will want to know:

This weapon only does 2.5 icons each fire and air, 2.65 light, then between .2 and 3 icons of physical. So maybe just a little different than previously speculated.

Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:23 am

Anti-Borg wrote:
theonlysaneone wrote:
Cranberry wrote:Enchanted Wooden Bow does 2 fire, 2 air, 3 light, 1-3 phys. Very good for its rarity and eventual price.

What rarity is it?

Rarity 78. I just checked the Trading post. BTW the lowest price I am seeing on one of these is 200k.

Though I just checked the IDB, and here is a little tid-bit I think people will want to know:

This weapon only does 2.5 icons each fire and air, 2.65 light, then between .2 and 3 icons of physical. So maybe just a little different than previously speculated.

That means it essentially does 7-9.5 icons. I see a downgrade in its future, or else it will completely turn the newbie weapon market upside down.

Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:59 pm

I hope there is a good all species healer that settles in at a buyable price. 50% heal of total hit points would make me happy.

Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:45 pm

I saw a bunch of these weapons in the Altador shop, but I didn't buy any because they were all over 15k or so. I'm going to attempt to buy some next time around, but I was wondering if there were any that I should blatantly avoid, given their price?
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