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Long-unreleased colors/items that you're waiting for

Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:55 am

Four months ago I joined Neopets again after losing interest for a long while specifically for the faerie eyrie, which I spotted on these forums when it was a newly discovered unreleased item.

And now, four months later, it's still unreleased. o__o

I am worried, to say the least. I keep hearing of other colors that have been lying around for ages on the Neopets wait could last over a year! D:

Anyway, which long-unreleased (we'll loosely define "long" as over a month) item/color/etc are you waiting for? Here's the thread to complain and/or commiserate over the agony of waiting... ;)

Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:49 am


I seem to be in luck though, because they're obviously going to do something with it soon. :D

If anyone says Neoschools, I'm going to shoot myself.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:30 pm

Erin wrote:Altador!!

I seem to be in luck though, because they're obviously going to do something with it soon. :D

If anyone says Neoschools, I'm going to shoot myself.

:roflol: Neoschools!!! Now there is a monumental letdown on the part of TNT. I mean, we heard about it for so long, got our supplies even, just to have it turn out to be a single page describing teachers!

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:29 pm

I want them to release this petpet:


I have no idea what its name is, but it's on the MIA list on Neoitems.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:57 pm

The Lizard Queen wrote:I want them to release this petpet:


I have no idea what its name is, but it's on the MIA list on Neoitems.

Judging by the color scheme, it may see a release alongside the Lutari Island stuff.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:23 pm

I have a grey paint brush in my sdb forever waiting for it to be released! I wish I could find an image of it somewhere to post but alas I could not find one.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:07 pm

susannahmio wrote:THE GREY DRAIK!!!
I have a grey paint brush in my sdb forever waiting for it to be released! I wish I could find an image of it somewhere to post but alas I could not find one.

The Spellcaster Paint Brush

Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:42 pm

...I doubt they you *think* they might release that Lutari lot today..? It's 'Mardi Gras' (whatever that is- I know it's some big colorful party? o: ), and the Lutari items/petpets/PB/etc look very blindingly bright. o_o

Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:39 pm

I guess it's possible, but Tuesday's news was released yesterday so...

I still hope so!

Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:56 pm

Kula wrote:...I doubt they you *think* they might release that Lutari lot today..? It's 'Mardi Gras' (whatever that is- I know it's some big colorful party? o: ), and the Lutari items/petpets/PB/etc look very blindingly bright. o_o

Mardi Gras is the day before Ash Wednesday... the day when all Catholics (and other people who want to) give up something for 40 days, until Easter. In Mardi Gras, you do a whole bunch of what you're about to give up, be it drinking, celebrating, whatever. That was Tuesday, though. I *think* today is Gadsgadsbogen, but I'm not sure.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:56 pm

Slime Lord wrote:The Spellcaster Paint Brush

The thread is for things that actually exist on the servers :p

Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:59 pm

Scythemantis wrote:
Slime Lord wrote:The Spellcaster Paint Brush

The thread is for things that actually exist on the servers :p


I know :( But I'm hoping we get one on them :P

Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:07 pm


Not sure how to tell the age of this image, but I've know about it for awhile. Would like eventually to own one:)

Tyrannian Eyrie

Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:33 pm

I'm not sure if this graphic ever made it on the servers, but a Tyrannian Eyrie was designed and never released. This girl is a neopets artist, and she's pretty awesome. :)

Poor Eyrie gets left behind a lot. ;)

Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:54 pm

c_shanholtzer wrote:ImageImageImageImage

Not sure how to tell the age of this image, but I've know about it for awhile. Would like eventually to own one:)

December 2, 2005.

To tell the age of the image, you look at the Last-Modified header that's sent with it. The simplest way to do that is to go to which will show you all the headers for any file.
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