For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:32 am
So I have seen a couple people ask or say how they are going to stock up for the plot (whatever or whenever it shall be). I thought that I woul open up a general advice board for people to asked question and to give advice.
Personally, I use a rule of thumb when I stock up. I do a random search on the type of item I am buying up (ok, hoarding), and find a price I consider the average (like I just did this for a Lu Codestone, so the average was about 4300 np each) minus 75-100np. So for a codestone that is 4500, I would jump on offers between 4400-4425. Of course anything below that I would jump on as well. And this way, if nothing else, you would make that much on each one if it turned out that this plot flopped.
So, anyone else have any ideas? Rants/Raves?
Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:37 am
I am so glad I trained my battle pet to the 200 strength boost/200 HP and upgraded my weapons before the inflation started. I can't believe it's starting already, and we don't even know if there will be a war! I haven't seen anything yet that points toward a war -- all we have are some pictures from what could possibly be Altador, and some Lutari Island items. The big reveal of the other side of Neopia is supposedly happening this week or next, and usually when there's a big war plot, we'd have discovered some challengers/comics/etc. before now. I think this may just be a world reveal -- we will get a war sometime, but it may be a while.
Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:39 am
Cranberry wrote:I am so glad I trained my battle pet to the 200 strength boost/200 HP and upgraded my weapons before the inflation started. I can't believe it's starting already, and we don't even know if there will be a war! I haven't seen anything yet that points toward a war -- all we have are some pictures from what could possibly be Altador, and some Lutari Island items. The big reveal of the other side of Neopia is supposedly happening this week or next, and usually when there's a big war plot, we'd have discovered some challengers/comics/etc. before now. I think this may just be a world reveal -- we will get a war sometime, but it may be a while.
True, but still, I'm going to stock up some, and if I don't see any worth in selling, I'll hold until war does break out.

Taking advantage evilly of the inflation!
Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:23 am
As much as I would normally be against hording, I don't see the harm in it. To paraphrase the Daoist war masters: In times of peace prepare for war. Even if there isn't a war for a while, there should be no harm in 'stocking up'. I usually make a killing selling the spare snowballs and codestone that I commonly get for REs. Go forth and profit and may our Ferengi forefathers bless the transaction (as long at it follows the Rules of Acquisition).
Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:05 am
There's a big difference in hoarding and stockpiling. The bad thing about stockpiling is that if you aren't smart about it you can lose your shirt. Early stockpiling is generally beneficial, as at the very least you can sell it off to the late stockpilers
Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:53 am
Now I know why the prices of codestone is still too high for a non-war period/ Usually, after a war (from last 2 experiences, not counting LDP), the prices for codestone drop tremedously, even 4K++ for Main. But now, even the prices of Lu have yet to drop below 4K. And now I also know why the prices of food is soo low. Profit is very pathetic! *sigh*
Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:53 pm
So therefore, is the general consensus on this war to not hoard? i've still got my bubbling healing goos from the last war, so i'm goning to sell those
Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:19 pm
I'm with Cranberry. Suspicion of a new world != war. I see no reason to suspect there's going to be a war anytime soon.
That said, I did buy a few codestones just in case. You can always use those anyway.
:shrug: What sort of advice are you looking for? In general, just find something you think will go up and buy some. Stick them in your SDB. Lather, rinse, repeat.
If you've got the right item, you don't need to worry about losing money if you're buying early in the game. Even though I don't think there's going to be a war soon, there's bound to be one eventually and the things will go up. :shrug: Codestones always go up in a war. So do popular one-use weapons like stickies. Reflectors CAN go up if there's an enemy that does a lot of one icon, but I haven't had good luck with them in the past. Good weapons will go up in general. That sort of thing.
Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:27 pm
bgryph wrote:I'm with Cranberry. Suspicion of a new world != war. I see no reason to suspect there's going to be a war anytime soon.
That said, I did buy a few codestones just in case. You can always use those anyway.
:shrug: What sort of advice are you looking for? In general, just find something you think will go up and buy some. Stick them in your SDB. Lather, rinse, repeat.
If you've got the right item, you don't need to worry about losing money if you're buying early in the game. Even though I don't think there's going to be a war soon, there's bound to be one eventually and the things will go up. :shrug: Codestones always go up in a war. So do popular one-use weapons like stickies. Reflectors CAN go up if there's an enemy that does a lot of one icon, but I haven't had good luck with them in the past. Good weapons will go up in general. That sort of thing.
I mainly just wanted to have a board where people might be able to learn about the *cough* art of pre-plot economics *cough*, and have them find out how to take advantage.
Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:32 pm
People are starting to stock up. The blue pteri morphing potions I bought awhile ago and stored in my shop have started selling.
Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:52 pm
So what stuff should i stock up on . I know the basics , bottled faeries , dubloons , codestones but is ther anything specififc i should hoard ?
Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:18 pm
stampsyne wrote:People are starting to stock up. The blue pteri morphing potions I bought awhile ago and stored in my shop have started selling.
Why would people stock up on morphing potions for the war, out or curiosity?
Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:31 pm
Officer 1BDI wrote:stampsyne wrote:People are starting to stock up. The blue pteri morphing potions I bought awhile ago and stored in my shop have started selling.
Why would people stock up on morphing potions for the war, out or curiosity?
Because battle pteris are VERY easy to maintain. Feeding your Pteri one worm nugget (or anything with worms in it) will heal it of all diseases AND return HP. (Or at least heal any disease, I'm not sure on HP)
Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:36 pm
IcyBlue wrote:Officer 1BDI wrote:stampsyne wrote:People are starting to stock up. The blue pteri morphing potions I bought awhile ago and stored in my shop have started selling.
Why would people stock up on morphing potions for the war, out or curiosity?
Because battle pteris are VERY easy to maintain. Feeding your Pteri one worm nugget (or anything with worms in it) will heal it of all diseases AND return HP. (Or at least heal any disease, I'm not sure on HP)

When did that start happening? Are there any other species that have something like this?
Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:15 pm
Anti-Borg wrote:IcyBlue wrote:Officer 1BDI wrote:stampsyne wrote:People are starting to stock up. The blue pteri morphing potions I bought awhile ago and stored in my shop have started selling.
Why would people stock up on morphing potions for the war, out or curiosity?
Because battle pteris are VERY easy to maintain. Feeding your Pteri one worm nugget (or anything with worms in it) will heal it of all diseases AND return HP. (Or at least heal any disease, I'm not sure on HP)

When did that start happening? Are there any other species that have something like this?
All of the species have little quirks. For instance, Kyriis won't eat anything with "apple" in the name.
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