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Favorite Old School Weapons

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:39 am

This thread actually is targeted to the veteran Neopians. Remember when the Wand of the Air Faerie was actually a killer weapon? How about the Hand Painted Scarab or Faerie Slingshot (this one actually is still used, but is so rare that you hardly see one anymore)?

Post your memories of your favorite old school weapons! These would mainly be those that are retired from the hidden tower, or have been downgraded to uselessless.

Note to everyone. These are specifically older weapons, which probably don't stand well to today, this SHOULD NOT be used as a shopper's guide, but instead as a nice place to hear the older neopians rant about how TNT has gotten rid of decent weapons over the years.

I'd like to go first. Sinsis sword. Used to be the get weapon, along with Honey potion, but now, *sigh* people call it junk. I still love it though!

Re: Favorite Old School Weapons

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:42 am

Anti-Borg wrote:This thread actually is targeted to the veteran Neopians. Remember when the Wand of the Air Faerie was actually a killer weapon? How about the Hand Painted Scarab or Faerie Slingshot (this one actually is still used, but is so rare that you hardly see one anymore)?

Post your memories of your favorite old school weapons! These would mainly be those that are retired from the hidden tower, or have been downgraded to uselessless.

Note to everyone. These are specifically older weapons, which probably don't stand well to today, this SHOULD NOT be used as a shopper's guide, but instead as a nice place to hear the older neopians rant about how TNT has gotten rid of decent weapons over the years.

I'd like to go first. Sinsis sword. Used to be the get weapon, along with Honey potion, but now, *sigh* people call it junk. I still love it though!

Yeah, I still use one of those. I also use a Fruit Bomb (my favorite weapon) and a Red Scorchstone (for a while).

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:47 am

Battle Duck and Dark Battle Duck pre-downgrade.

Freaking awesome :D

I hate downgrades :(

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:51 am

When I was a battledome newbie, many years ago (I started playing the site in August 2000 and got into the battledome sometime before the first Meridell war), the items I coveted most were the Zaptwig and the Fire and Ice Blade, mainly for their looks (but also because they were very powerful weapons in their day). The twig got retired, but you can still buy the blade for 2 mil in the hidden tower... but now that people can pay 600-800K for a 10-iconer and 3.5 mil for a 13-iconer (NQII weapons), the 6.5-10.9-icon blade is laughable.

Anyone else think TNT should lower some of the tower prices so they're better aligned with the current market price per icon? Some of those prices are just ridiculous -- take the Asparachucks, for example. 14 icons is decent, but they're earth and physical, which are easily blockable, and when you can get a 13-icon Wand of Reality or Bow of Destiny -- with better icon types -- for 3.5 mil or so, who's going to pay 8 mil for Asparachucks?

Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:53 am

anchororange wrote:Battle Duck and Dark Battle Duck pre-downgrade.

Freaking awesome :D

I hate downgrades :(

Yeah, I remember those being the thing. I heard all the time about how great they were, and how everyone kept getting one....

I also remember when they were suddenly downgraded. I laughed so hard, glad that I hadn't tried to buy one. It was one of the few pleasures I had to go over to the BD Board on Neo and watch when people started ranting when their weapons got shot down. :roflol: Sorry, I know it isn't funny, but still I remember a lot of funny things were said back then. Many involving doing things to Adam (usually involving the newly pathetic Ducks) he he

Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:58 am

Ancient Manchu Bow! :D

Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:55 pm

Golden Butter Knife!

that was the best weapon out, for a little while

Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:56 pm

Many neo moons ago, Grand lightning beam was one of the de facto weapon of choice. 0:)

Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:28 pm

Oh, the Dark Battle Duck was great.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:10 pm

asmodeus wrote:Many neo moons ago, Grand lightning beam was one of the de facto weapon of choice. 0:)

Yeah, I remember getting one of those when I first started the Battledome, soon after, it was finished off.

Anyone remember how big a deal the Eraser of the Dark Faerie and the Chia Flour were? I mean really :roll: you bring those back now, and people would throw a riot, don't you think?

Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:05 pm

anchororange wrote:Battle Duck and Dark Battle Duck pre-downgrade.

Freaking awesome :D

I hate downgrades :(

shapu wrote:Oh, the Dark Battle Duck was great.

yeah, the duckies are/were awesome. :D

I remember wanting one so bad, but not having enough money. :(

*hugs all the cute duckies*

Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:30 pm

Problem with DBD was that it was at one point R96, so the snow faerie gave it out...and then the rarity was upped n(booo!).

Then I got an HP and SoS, so it stopped being an issue. :D

Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:02 am

At least in my neo society, the purple blob potion, brain tree splinters, and mud mixture were amazing weapons, a while back. Snow mud-balling everyone was also quite fun

Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:03 am

matchbow wrote:At least in my neo society, the purple blob potion, brain tree splinters, and mud mixture were amazing weapons, a while back. Snow mud-balling everyone was also quite fun

That's how I got my WONDERFUL 8 points in the Meridell-Darigan War. :)

Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:46 am

I remember when one of my most powerful weapons was the 8-icon Iron Lupe Sword (which is still actually a very good weapon for newbies, or even a decent backup weapon for intermediate fighters). I paired it with my 9-icon Mystery Fruit Bowl and I actually did pretty well in the wars. I'm excited for the next one, though, because I finally shelled out for a Freezing Potion and a Wand of Reality (to go along with my 11-icon Goo Blaster and my Honey Potion), plus 200 strength and 200 HP. In the horrid CoM war I just had the 85 boosts, and wow, that sucked.

I would like a Sword of Skardsen but I can't bring myself to spend that 11mil right now... I just hope it doesn't retire before I decide to get one. I think some of the other weapons have more of a chance of retiring than it does, though. I could see the Werelupe Claw Necklace going soon. I always wanted one of those, too... it's still not a bad weapon at all.
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