For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Topic locked

25th - 26th February

Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:58 am

# What's this? New features for the weekend!? Yup! We're changing our schedule a bit. News for Monday will now move to the weekend. It's still the same amount of news per week, so don't worry. :) This is just to make sure everyone around the world gets their news in a timely manner!

# If you're hungry, Faerie Foods has just begun selling these delicious treats. Get 'em while they're hot!

# Cute little Petpets are the perfect adornment for your desktop Background.

# Awww... it's a cute ickle Baby Gnorbu! How can you resist a trip to the Rainbow Pool?

# The latest Pet Spotlight goes to Nicolaius the Usuki Usul and his owner, carsandtrains. Congratulations!

# Guess which JammX Kid is hidden behind the tiles and win Neopoints in our new sponsor game, JammX: Revealing Video.

# The folks at Kiko Lake Carpentry have created these splendid new items especially for your Neohome..

# One of these new Cyodrake Fun Images would be the perfect addition to your shop or Petpage... if you like Cyodrakes, that is.

# Find Lady and the Tramp in the crowd and win Neopoints in our new sponsor game, Lady and the Tramp: Crowd Patrol.

Two new games! yay!

Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:05 am

-nudge- There's already a topic on this. ;)
Topic locked