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The other side of Neopia...

Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:52 am

Okay, I dont know anything about this upcoming plot thing, but I assume there are countless rumours with substantiated facts and ... not so substantiated facts :P And its a plot that has some spoilers in the TCG correct?

Well I was hoping you guys could just tell me what you think is going to happen, what you know will be happening, or just throw some links for me to look at of a good summary ^_^

I figure then we can *discuss* it in the podcast ^_^

Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:02 am

You actually go to the other side of Neopia (Altador) in the video game.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:45 pm

Not only that, i assume jelly world is also on the otherside. Just as tyrannia was found through the Ice Caves, Jelly World will be found through Tyrannia. It's a neighbor to Tyrannia (if you put two and two together, you can see that).

Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:16 pm

Jacob wrote:Not only that, i assume jelly world is also on the otherside. Just as tyrannia was found through the Ice Caves, Jelly World will be found through Tyrannia. It's a neighbor to Tyrannia (if you put two and two together, you can see that).

I guarantee you Jelly World will never be found. It's been a longtime secret/joke on Neopets, and is just another one of those quirky things TNT likes to facetiously deny. It's a game to them, and it always will be.

Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:28 pm <- About Altador (the map, amongst other speculations)<- About the next plot.

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