For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:40 am
this neomail is going around right now with different usernames just to let everyone know. They are trying to get your password so please don't get fooled !! As soon as you go there it looks just like the hidden tower but then prompts you to sign in. This is the mail I just received :
want super rare items for 1 np? if so, go here:
angelfire . com/blog/hiddentower (remove the space before and after the "."
It's been reported to TNT twice now . My husband got the same mail with a different username.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:38 am
yea, I have gotten that neomail too.
Basically any neomail asking you to go offsite (of neopets) is a scam, and should be reported and deleted. (unless of course you know the person sending you the link and neomail)
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