For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:59 pm
Is it just me or is Neopets lagging..? I'm pretty sure the other sites I visit are running slow, but it could be my computer...
Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:05 pm
I had to re-log in three times in the past 1/2 hour, not because I was getting logged out, but because my browser kept crashing in the Show Wizard. :\
And now that I've gone back to check the site, it's taking a ridiculously long time for anything to load. Lovely.
Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:09 pm
yep, running slow for me too... Started running slow about 5 minutes ago. So much for NQII today !!
Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:31 am
...I think I was just kicked out of an auction.
I was trying to buy a sword, and I refreshed to see if anyone had made any bids, and suddenly, I get an "Oops! - Invalid Auction ID" page. Thank goodness I got my NP back, but the entire lot seems to have just disappeared. And I only had 5 minutes or so left, too. :\
I know I wasn't outbidded, because it usually takes several mintues for me to get my money back, and I can usually see who beat me. I wonder what else is going konky with the site today.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:14 am
Yikes, IBDI. I wonder if the sword you were bidding on was from a stolen account or something like that.
Lag-wise, there's been bad lag just about every day for at least an hour for at least the last couple of weeks. Pages either won't load or take forever.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:54 am
everconfused wrote:Yikes, IBDI. I wonder if the sword you were bidding on was from a stolen account or something like that.
Ohh, I didn't consider that.

I even neomailed the auctioner to see if he still had the sword (I would have gotten about 25k off normal asking price had I won, so I thought it was worth pursuing). He hasn't replied yet, but now I think it would just be better to get it off trades instead.
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