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The Next Plot

Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:47 pm

Do we know what it is going to be and when it will be?

as from what i heard it was going to be alongside the release of the PS2 game.

Is this true or is it just rumours?

Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:03 pm

I thought there would be at least some minimal plot to go along with the darkest faerie game... some werewolves to battle or dark faeries. There hasn't been boo to go along with the CCG cards, and there was some really cool Altador stuff in there. All the named constellations and stuff. Very spiffy.

We wants it for our own, we does, the precious.

Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:29 pm

I would like if we had a DF plot, but prehaps giving us info that was not in the PS2 game. If they do it right, it will satisfy the users, but also cause users to want to buy the PS2 game, to get more of the plot. (And have the fun of really being right in it!)

I wouldn't like it if the comics were bassiacly the game, just diluted and non-moving. That'd be annoying, the only fun part would be the (expected) war. I'd like more charecter development, as the PS2 game didn't have as much as I'd like. How does Tor react to certian situations? Roberta? We don't really get that...we know that Tor wants to be a knight, Roberta hates the pampered life, and wants to be a sorceress...but its really superficeal. I want MORE. xD The comics would leave them some room to do that. Prehaps spend the first one introducing us to Tor, a second to introduce us to Roberta, and then the actual plot development starts. Thats assuming they're a decent length-like, four pages each.

I'm going to shut up before I REALLY start rambeling...

Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:52 pm

Wasn't there going to be a plot revolving around the movie, or is that a long way yet?

Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:44 am

Knowing TNT, the next will pit Curry pets against Cheese pets or some other ridiculous food-based combination. :roll:

Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:26 am

The movie's tentative release date is December of 2006, so maybe they'll have plot for it in the fall to coincide with the movie promotion and release.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:02 am

2006? That seems a little... soon.

And yet, if they're really going to wait that long to give us a new plot, it seems so far away. :(

Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:11 am

2006? wow... I thought it would take at LEAST until mid-2007.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:17 am

I forget where I heard this, but I think we have a Haunted Woods plot coming up. However, what would be cool would be a Faerieland plot, where people could team up with the six uber faeries and fight enemies or something, and see which element does the best. That was an idea I always had.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:28 am

They must do a darkest faerie plot. We NEED Altador, and the other side of Neopia.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:37 am

Officer 1BDI wrote:2006? That seems a little... soon.

And yet, if they're really going to wait that long to give us a new plot, it seems so far away. :(

They could give us a plot, and then just not give out prizes till the movie gets released :roflol:

Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:47 am

Donna herself said a Haunted Woods plot would come after the next plot. No idea how reliable that is, though. Still, I've wanted a haunted woods plot since the world first came out.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:22 pm

The Darkest Faerie is Talador right?

And the Werelupes are the Altadore?

Very confused but I think both of these plots are connected.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:26 pm

myname7772 wrote:The Darkest Faerie is Talador right?

And the Werelupes are the Altadore?

Very confused but I think both of these plots are connected.


Altador is the name of the city that was supposedly destroyed by the DF...the werelupes just like attacking Illusens Glade. xD (You can tell I've played the game to much...)

Talador was Altador's origanl name, butit got changed.

I think we will be getting some sort of plot-if ONLY because it is a new land they promised us way-back-when(not that that neccisarily means much) and because I'm sure they have plans for the other side of neopia. We havn't gotten any new lands in a while. Quasala(sp?) Dosn't count as a new land, its just a new city in the LD.

Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:36 pm

theonlysaneone wrote:However, what would be cool would be a Faerieland plot, where people could team up with the six uber faeries and fight enemies or something, and see which element does the best. That was an idea I always had.

Oh man, that would be awesome.

If the DF plot's really going to reveal the other side of Neopia, I think the HW plot is probably a more likely canidate for, "What's TNT going to do next?" It seems a bit silly to reveal a whole new series of worlds, then immediately shift focus back onto the old world in the next plot.
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