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Cave Chia

Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:16 pm

Not really a BD'er - I never spent so much as a single neopoint on training, and neither do I intend to, but recently I've been playing a bit with the Defenders of Neopia (nice trophies :) ). After beating the Ghost Lupe without any trouble whatsoever, the Cave Chia, however, is looking problematic.

Current battling pet:

Lvl: 13
Attack: 16
Defense: 19
Hp: 16

Equipment (I'm not keen on buying much else, or at least, spending a lot; as I said, I'm not a BD'er)
Large Metal Shield
Mud Mixture
Caustic Potion
Bone Sceptre
Obsidian Dagger
Scarab Ring

Quiggle Stomp & Splash

Any pointers?

Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:50 pm

If you aren't a battler, why are you battling? If you want to win, you will have to commit some time and neopoints to winning. I'd suggest getting another scarab ring for starters. Some more training would probably help too.

Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:02 pm

Well, I'm not a battler either, but I do the Defenders of Neopia challenges to get the shiny trophey on my lookup. ;)

I'm actually (semi-)training up my Lupe to face this guy. I agree with using two scarab rings: those things can do wonders when used together. Also, I'd invest in a Leaf Shield- it'll be a lot more effective than the stone shield, and if you don't feel like holding onto it, you can wait until the next war/plot to sell it for more than you bought it.

Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:11 pm

I was able to beat him with two scarab rings and the leaf shield and about 35 hp's. May have had the burrow ability, dont remember.
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