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help with giant ghosterchief

Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:53 am

i cant seem to beat him

my stats:

str: 125
def: 49
hp: 327


rightous staff of fury
scuzzys comb
honey potion
ring of the lost
purple sticky hand
greater healing scroll

have used scroll of freezing but seems to be a one use thing with me


i have all available abilities

any suggestions on how i should go about defeating him

Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:03 pm

This is what I always do when I have to beat an enemy like that:

1st turn:Thick Smoke Bomb+Scroll of Freezing, Drain Life
2nd Turn: Bomb+Snow Mudball, Fierce/Berserk
3rd Turn: Attack #1+Attack #2, Burrow
4th Turn: Attack #1+Downsize!, Defend

For you, it would fill out something like this:
1st Turn: Thick Smoke Bomb + Scroll of Freezing, Drain Life
2nd Turn: Honey Potion + Snow Mudball, Fierce/Berserk Attack
3rd Turn: S-Comb, SoRF, Burrow
4th Turn: Downsize!, SoRF, Firece Attack
5th Turn and Onwards: Keep attacking, and using fierce attack, until you beat him. If you need to heal, go for it.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

RoTL is not useful against him. Your other two weapons are stronger, and he doesn't do much dark damage for you to block. Purple Sticky Hand is also useless. Your equipment for the battle should look like this:

Staff of Righteous Fury
Scuzzy's Comb
Honey Potion
Greater Healing Scroll
Thick Smoke Bomb
Scroll of Freezing
Snow Mudball

Good luck, and hope he doesn't use his Jade!

Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:45 am

thanks for the advice, i will try it out soon. The problem i kept having is he would always hit me for 300 Hp every battle, plus always used his jadescortschstone

Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:54 am

Here are a couple of my posts from an old thread on the Ghostkerchief:

Someone posted over at IDB that a Double Dryer may help a lot, as it reflects air (and his weapons do a lot of air). You can pick one up for under 3K.

The strategy from IDB (requires 125 strength boost):

Turn 1: Freezer, Dryer, Defend (start over if he half-kills you)
Turn 2: Your best bomb plus a good one-use bomb like Water Muffin
Turn 3: Good one-use bomb, Dryer, Burrow
Turn 4: Main attacker, Dryer, Sink

I have 125 strength and 186 HP.

On my first turn, I used my freezer (ancient lupe wand), the double dryer, and defend.
On my second turn, I used honey potion, goo blaster (11 icons), and berserk.
On my third turn, I used a fire muffin, double dryer, and burrow.
On my fourth turn, I used goo blaster, double dryer, and sink, and he died. I had about 40HP left, I think.

If he heals to full (or if he smacks you down to yellow HP on the frst turn), withdraw and try again. I was lucky and he didn't do either of these things during our fight. The dryer helps a LOT because it can reflect a bunch of his air back at him.

Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:14 am

Cranberry wrote:Here are a couple of my posts from an old thread on the Ghostkerchief:

Someone posted over at IDB that a Double Dryer may help a lot, as it reflects air (and his weapons do a lot of air). You can pick one up for under 3K.

The strategy from IDB (requires 125 strength boost):

Turn 1: Freezer, Dryer, Defend (start over if he half-kills you)
Turn 2: Your best bomb plus a good one-use bomb like Water Muffin
Turn 3: Good one-use bomb, Dryer, Burrow
Turn 4: Main attacker, Dryer, Sink

I have 125 strength and 186 HP.

On my first turn, I used my freezer (ancient lupe wand), the double dryer, and defend.
On my second turn, I used honey potion, goo blaster (11 icons), and berserk.
On my third turn, I used a fire muffin, double dryer, and burrow.
On my fourth turn, I used goo blaster, double dryer, and sink, and he died. I had about 40HP left, I think.

If he heals to full (or if he smacks you down to yellow HP on the frst turn), withdraw and try again. I was lucky and he didn't do either of these things during our fight. The dryer helps a LOT because it can reflect a bunch of his air back at him.

The only problem with that is, if he goes a turn without using G-sword, the dryer is useless. My strategy guarantees that you won't get hit in the first three turns, except by minimal dark damage if he uses the G-sword. After that, you've probably almost won the battle. Especially with 300+ HP. I think my strategy is pretty much foolproof, unless he uses the Prismatic Mirror or Jade Scorchstone. Ironically, it's a good thing you use S-Comb and SoRF, because they do heavy physical damage, which is unreflectable by the Prismatic. However, you should be doing the majority of your damage in the second turn anyway.

Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:22 am

Mine costs less. ;) I don't like using (relatively) expensive one-use items in a battle in case I don't win. I dunno -- the strategy I posted worked fine for me and I only had to attempt it a couple times, I think (it was a while ago; my current opponent is the slug monster).

Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:09 am

If you're still having trouble, but getting really close, there's something you can use as a last resort. The Staring Negg costs about 90K, and it's a one-use item you use outside of battle. Be sure to be at full health when you do this. If you feed it to your pet, it doubles its NON-MAX HP, so if you have 327 HP, and you use it, your HP will go to 654 for ONE BATTLE ONLY. This is the very last resort, because its so expensive. You should only use it if you're confident that you're pretty close to winning anyway. Once again, be sure your pet is at full health before you try to use it.
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