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This account has been frozen...

Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:43 am

My account has recently been frozen for 'abusing a glitch'. PICKLE SLICES! I've NEVER knowingly abused a glitch before! I could really use some help getting it back, since it had about 210 avatars, a gallery worth about 800k, 400k in the bank, 7 trophies, 3 rare pets (one with the BC trophy), and 11 NT Submissions...

Here's a rundown on what's happened so far:

1. Filled out form
2. Notified Carmen @ TNT
3. Notified Darcy through the NTWF Forum
4. Recieved Response from TNT: Berdanette that was very unhelpful:
Thanks for your inquiry. Your account has been frozen for knowingly abusing a glitch which provided an unfair advantage over other players.

5. Filled out form again
6. Asked my frozen-friend what she did
7. Received Response from Heidi @ TNT that was equally unhelpful (my friend says she's lazy):
While we understand the importance of your account, we are required to use the evidence that we have in our records. Based on this evidence, we are unable to return this account to you.

8. Sent another e-mail to Heidi asking for what the glitch was.
9. Filled out the form again, this time specifically asking what the glitch was.
10. On specification from my friend, e-mailed Brandon @ TNT.
11. Heidi mailed me back with the EXACT SAME THING as response number 2, even though it wasn't very relevant.
12. Brandon mailed me back:
For security reasons, we are unable to provide you with the details of the evidence in our records... We are sorry, but we will not return this account.

This means that form inquiry number 3, Darcy, and Carmen have no been responded yet AT THIS MOMENT. These are subject to change.

Now, I am planning to run down the Support Team on their About Us Page and narrow down the people who have ACTUALLY BEEN KNOWN to help while filling in the form once every couple of days.

[/u]LIST SO FAR[/u]
1. Andrea
2. Darryl
3. Jennifer
4. Amanda

Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:12 am

Good luck getting your account back. Although TNT says they only freeze accounts that deserve it, that's a lie. *shrug* Try sending in a snail mail letter. Be polite, and veeeeeery detailed. Maybe explain everything you did that day.

Re: This account has been frozen...

Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:06 am

Tyrannitar wrote:Brandon mailed me back:
For security reasons, we are unable to provide you with the details of the evidence in our records... We are sorry, but we will not return this account.

...Security for who, exactly? If it (was) your account, you should be entitled to know what you did wrong; it's not as though they're revealing the details of an account to a complete stranger. If they're talking about their own security, then how in the world does a game glitch compromise TNT's security?! Are they afraid that if they tell you what the glitch was, you'll run off and tell your Neofriends about it so they can exploit it for themselves? o_O If they really believed you knew what you were doing, why would that even be an issue?

I'm ranting. Sorry.

I hope you get your account back. I think that's my worst fear concerning Neopets: waking up one morning and discovering TNT's frozen one of my accounts for a bogus reason. :(

Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:12 am

Oh my, first getting frozen, then finding out you're frozen for something you know you either didn't do or didn't knowingly do. Then to not get an answer as to exactly what this glitch abuse was. How frustrating and upsetting.

Can you think of anything you've done in the past few days, anything weird happening, a game glitching on you, anything at all?

I am sorry, and I hope you continue to try to get an answer as well as your account back.

Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:15 am

everconfused wrote:Oh my, first getting frozen, then finding out you're frozen for something you know you either didn't do or didn't knowingly do. Then to not get an answer as to exactly what this glitch abuse was. How frustrating and upsetting.

Can you think of anything you've done in the past few days, anything weird happening, a game glitching on you, anything at all?

I am sorry, and I hope you continue to try to get an answer as well as your account back.

Well, there's that new Neofriend glitch... maybe it was that? I did notice that some people who I request to be neofriends (not random people!) randomly added me all of a sudden on Sat./Sun....

Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:26 am

That was something TNT was doing ... I can't think of a way you could abuse or take advantage of a glitch by re-adding people who were already on your nf list.

There's got to be something ... to be honest, I am not aware of anything lately that was a glitch that a user could try to take advantage of. I know there was a tombola glitch where you could keep going and going, but that was awhile ago. I'm sorry I can't help more with what this could be.

I'll keep an eye out on the boards to see if anything jumps out at me. I am a world class lurker ;)

Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:21 pm

The ONLY glitch I can think of, that could be viewed of taking advantage of, was the recent NQII glitch, when all healing spells did damage to the users party, rather than healing. This was an advantage for people who hadn't got Velm yet, because bosses, and some monsters were easier to kill(or even killed themseleves.) It wasn't much of an advantage for the people with Velm, because once you get Velm, you usually rely a lot on him, because the game gets MUCH harder, so potions don't cut it anymore.

If you don't play NQII, then I really have no idea what "Glitch" they're claiming you took advantage of. The neofriend "Glitch" of getting auto-added was intended by TNT, so thats not a bad thing. I don't know of any game glitches that have taken place, but that dosn't mean there arn't any. Its quite possible to send a game score and not be aware there was a glitch that you were taking advantage of.

Frankly, I don't like how they don't tell you what you did wrong! You should have to sit around speculating as to what glitch you either A. Accidentally took advantage of, or B. Didn't take advantage of, but they think you did.
Security reasons my rear end...they probably just don't KNOW.

Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:15 pm

They probably won't say what Tyrannitar did wrong because in all likelyhood, they have no proof of wrong-doing, only suspicion. For TNT that's more than good enough reason to ice someone.

Sorry you lost your account, Tyrannitar, but I wouldn't hold my breath on getting it back. You could try snail-mail or calling their offices, but it probably won't amount to much. Just make a new account and start over, or quit the game, that's about all you can do. If you'd like to try a different but similar game, I can recommend - the graphic design leaves much to be desired, but there are games and such and you can have more pets and they don't freeze accounts on rumors.


Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:42 pm

I would recomend - excellent graphics, and much more mature than Neopets.

Re: ...

Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:29 pm

Lorcanwolf wrote:I would recomend - excellent graphics, and much more mature than Neopets.

Su.. be.. ta?. *tilts head in curiousity and wanders*

Re: ...

Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:23 pm

Lorcanwolf wrote:I would recomend

*wanders off to investigate as well*

Ooh, look at the pretty, detailed p... "Blood Red" pets?


:evil: Wow, there's something Neopets would never do.

Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:26 pm

After trying out some of those, and most recently Urbaniacs, I'm never venturing off Neopets again, lol! Nothing's quite as comfy :hug:

Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:47 pm

I'd try Carmen again. I found her very helpful when enquiring into accounts and problems. For some reason, I find it more help emailing TNT during the periods they are more likely to be at work. I've always found this a quicker way when gaining responses. It's probably just coincedence.

The others seemed automated, keep trying, it's the only way.

Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:31 am

When my main acct was frozen it took me 23 emails to find out WHAT I did, I was accused of flash cheating just because I was good at the neopets pocket puzzle.. so I stopped playing the game after being frozen on 2 other accounts. its ridiculious even offered to fly there and prove I wasnt cheating, they didnt like dat to much so I do hope ya get yer acct back!

Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:08 am

Well, thanks for the help, I suppose...

I might go and fax them. :P
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