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Changing Gender

Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:38 pm

Is there any other way to change gender than fighting the Lab Scientist? I have been refreshing at the page for about 3 days now and can't get him!

Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:51 pm

Using a Strange Potion. There's also been the rumour, which was actually brought up by Donna in editorials, that a "witch negg" has a chance to do so. Unfortunately you also risk having your Neopet turn green or into a lenny or tuskaninny. Using the labray is the only other way unless your lucky enough to have him, as you mentioned, a challenger.

Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:54 pm

The strange potions go for 8 mill on the TP!!! Thats crazy! guess I'll keep refreshing! Thanks

Do you mean Witchy Negg? Cause that I could probably do....gender change is kinda random though hey?

Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:20 pm

The lab itself changes gender, too.

So that gives you lab ray scientist, lab ray, strange potion, and (maybe) Witchy Negg.

Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:46 pm

shapu wrote:The lab itself changes gender, too.

So that gives you lab ray scientist, lab ray, strange potion, and (maybe) Witchy Negg.

Yeah thats how I got into this mess in the frst place. I want to morph my pet now that I have decided what I want him to be but he happens to be a girl with a noys name right now. I guess I could keep zapping till I get a change....

Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:37 pm

There is a MUCH CHEAPER way. If you have the mad scientist as a BD challenger, battle him until he zaps your pet and changes gender. Then withdraw! A MSUT to know if you have a royal oir usuki colored neopet and want the different gender.


Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:48 pm

stampsyne wrote:There is a MUCH CHEAPER way. If you have the mad scientist as a BD challenger, battle him until he zaps your pet and changes gender. Then withdraw! A MSUT to know if you have a royal oir usuki colored neopet and want the different gender.


Haha. That's what I do all the time. Well, I did with my old lab pet anyway. He had 300+ HP so it was easy to withdraw before being beaten. xD

Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:25 pm

stampsyne wrote:There is a MUCH CHEAPER way. If you have the mad scientist as a BD challenger, battle him until he zaps your pet and changes gender. Then withdraw! A MSUT to know if you have a royal oir usuki colored neopet and want the different gender.


Wasn't that the original question - Is there any other way to change gender other than fighting the Lab Scientist? :P

Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:27 pm

If you're labbing anyway, just leave it and it'll eventually change back. You wouldn't want to put in all that work for a Strange Potion or something and then have it change back the very next day.

Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:33 pm

I don't have the Lab scientist as a challenger, I have been trying to get him with no luck. I am planning now to keep zapping her till she becomes a he but I wanted to change him into a krawk now. I guess I just have to wait.

Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:09 pm

Never really saw gender being a big deal. if you are visiting the lab ray, you go in expecting to have you pets gender changed all the time. it's annoying in my case, seeing as i wrote a sotry for the times saying my pet was male. it REALLY gets others confused when they see HE is a SHE. :o

in fact, i'm sure Neopets makes it a freezable offense to keep making mentioning of the gender changes. makes too many complications.

Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:22 pm

Jacob wrote:in fact, i'm sure Neopets makes it a freezable offense to keep making mentioning of the gender changes. makes too many complications.

...What? Why in the world would that be a freezable offense?

Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:08 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:
Jacob wrote:in fact, i'm sure Neopets makes it a freezable offense to keep making mentioning of the gender changes. makes too many complications.

...What? Why in the world would that be a freezable offense?

I can think of countless talked of situations in which the subject of gender would be confusing. users commenting on how they treat their pets because of gender, neopets that date each other (i know it's illegal and immoral to do on the site, but someone is doing it), teasing...the list is big. also, crossdressing come to mind? :o

Should note i watched a lot of Ranma 1/2 when i was going through school. Gender bending fun...yikes.

Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:25 pm

Not to mention never knowing which bathroom to go into that day... :lol:
My Kacheek used to get changed at least once or twice a week, it was very confused (and also started life as a nimmo).

Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:12 pm

What link are you using?

I think I used this one:

even though IDB links to this one:

I'd keep trying with the challenger...
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