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Poison Jelly

Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:10 am

My pets contracted "NEMONIA" after I fed them some poison jelly(who knew Yikes) my one pet got healed by Cotlzan's Shrine but I have taken the other one there each day and no luck. It says I need Medicinal Soap to clear up the condition but it is going for around 16k on the wizard so either my pet stays sick until I can get it from the pharmacyfor around 2500np or it stays sick indefinately. Anyone one how long these conditions last?
Thanks 0:)

Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:12 am

try the healing springs every half hour

Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:12 am

Keep going to the healing springs until your pet is fully healed. The disease will stay there until cured, but your pet won't die or anything. If you have more than one pet, make the healthy pet your active pet as your pet will remain unhappy until cured (and there are some random events which occur if your active pet is unhappy)

Don't pay for the cure

Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:37 am

Thanks for the replys!! Will keep sick pet at home!!!

Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:53 am

the_dog_god wrote:Keep going to the healing springs until your pet is fully healed. The disease will stay there until cured, but your pet won't die or anything. If you have more than one pet, make the healthy pet your active pet as your pet will remain unhappy until cured (and there are some random events which occur if your active pet is unhappy)

Don't pay for the cure

I agree, don't pay for the cure and keep going to the healing springs, but make sure your sick pet is the active one when you're at the healing springs as quite often the faerie will only cure the active pet -- so you need your sick pet to be active at that time.

Then switch out with your healthy pet, and you might want to play more with your sick pet too.

Good luck.

Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:28 am

Just don't leave it too long or you can get the "blue" event, where your pet colour will change to Blue. GooD LucK!

Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:03 am

Well my IxI is finally healed...I kept taking her to the Healing Springs like was mentioned above and her health has been all restored!! Yippeee!!!!
Thanks all; for your advice!!!! :hug:
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