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Something really strange has just happened...

Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:35 am

Okay, I just logged into my account to find a Wet Snowball wand that I didn't have before in my Items.

Now a couple of days ago I offered one of my neofriends 2000NP and a small metal shield for two snowball wands and a selection of snowballs on the trading post.

The trade is gone, my shield is gone and the NP have not been returned. What Happened?

Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:08 am

Is it possible you might have taken a "snowball" from the Snowager and not noticed that it was in fact a Snowball Wand?

Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:19 am

no, I gave up going to the snowager because he ALWAYS blasts me :(

When I logged off the day before, I had the Item I was trading with (small metal sheild) in my items! Now it has dissapered without a trace and the lot I bid on is no longer there.

The only thing that I think could have happened, and I really do hope this didn't happen, is that someone gained access to my account!

Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:20 am

Is the shield the only thing that's missing? It seems strange that a scammer would only steal something as small as that. Perhaps you missed an RE where you get something stolen (I miss REs all the time). Hmmm.

Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:40 am

All of my really valuable stuff is protected by the PIN. But to me it is like my friend accepted my bid while I was offline, then between then and the time I got back online someone took only one snowball wand and six snowballs and deleted the event to say that my bid was accepted.

There would not have been a random event I had missed because I logged in and went straight to my items which was when I found the wand.

I think I might NM my friend to see if she recieved the shield and money.

The shield could not have been stolen by a RE because it was (trading) I have not had the money I offered on the trade returned to me either. I have not given my PW out to anyone. I had logged out but the only other people who use my computer are my sister and my boyfriend anyway. I have changed my PW just in case.

This whole situation is really bizarre, are there still cookie grabbers out there?

Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:44 am

The TP has been glitchy off and on since Friday. People have complained that they got no notification of a completed trade and that items/np have never reached the other person.

You could file a bug report, though I don't know that TNT will replace what you and your friend lost.

i think

Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:06 am

have you played snow wars lately because if you win you get a snow ball

Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:14 pm

everconfused wrote:The TP has been glitchy off and on since Friday. People have complained that they got no notification of a completed trade and that items/np have never reached the other person.

You could file a bug report, though I don't know that TNT will replace what you and your friend lost.

Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. My friend actually recieved her items because I neomailed her and I only recieved the first item from her trade. I'm not bothered by what I lost, I was just confused. I think i'll stay away from the trading post for a while.

And no, I didn't play Snow wars. My friend confirmed that she had accepted my trade. Thanks again 8)

Sat Feb 18, 2006 5:20 pm

Okay, Something Really NICE!! but strange has happened today. I logged out this morning with about two thousand Neopoints and when I logged this afternoon I had almost 100,000 Neopoints to hand. How can this happen, I can't find any evidence of where this large amount of NP has come from.

Please Help, all this unexplained phenomena is making me feel paranoid about the integrity of my account. :roll:

Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:08 pm

Were you entered in any contests, or the lottery? Or did you recently bid on an auction or offer on a trade?

Also, I assume you've been changing your password regularly, so... I'm really confused, too.

Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:39 pm

WOW!! I did win the lottery! :o I didn't think to check because I assumed that people got the gold trophy when they won the Lottery :oops: Plus I never buy the tickets, I get them from dice-a-roo. Sorry, and thank you again!!
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