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Treasure maps

Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:14 pm

Hi, I couldn't find a board about maps so if there is one can someone pm me to give me a link. Thanks.
Anyway, what I was wanting to know is, is it worth it to collect the treasure maps or should I sell them?
Obviously I know what you win if you get all the secret lab map but what about the others? What are the prizes and would I make more profit by just selling all my map pieces?
If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it. Thanks :)

Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:24 pm

You're better off selling the pieces. The chance of getting good items from them are low, and the pieces fetch a nifty price.

Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:43 pm

Do you know what you get from the Spooky Treasure Map?

Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:37 pm

I completed a spooky treasure map.

Never again....

I got a couple of thousand NP as prize money, and 5-10 (can't remember the exact number) spooky foods, none of which were worth more than a few thousand at the most (and most were only a couple of hundred NP). I could have used that money to help get a paint brush or something. :x

Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:54 pm

Yep. Like the others said, the only map worth completing is the Secret Lab one (and now, the PetPet Lab one).

The others are just a huge waste of money, unless you're lucky enough to find every single piece in REs. But even then, I'd just sell it ;)

Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:02 am

Alex wrote:Yep. Like the others said, the only map worth completing is the Secret Lab one (and now, the PetPet Lab one).

The others are just a huge waste of money, unless you're lucky enough to find every single piece in REs. But even then, I'd just sell it ;)

From what I hear, you can get an H4000 Helmet from completing the Space Map, but it's VERY rare.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:35 am

Ok thanks everyone. I mean I have never bought a map I'v just got them thru RE's so I guess I'm lucky. But will probably just sell my spooky treasure map pieces now.
So has anyone actually ever won anything decent on the maps then? :)

Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:33 am

Confused, lost & help wrote:Ok thanks everyone. I mean I have never bought a map I'v just got them thru RE's so I guess I'm lucky. But will probably just sell my spooky treasure map pieces now.
So has anyone actually ever won anything decent on the maps then? :)

Demonish on this board (different topic) who got a Mipsy Plushie from an Original Treasure Map, probably worth upwards of several hundred thousand. It's just a crap shoot. An EXPENSIVE crap shoot.

Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:22 pm

What about the space map? Has anyone got anything good from it? :)

Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:19 am

I've completed 2 treasure maps. One had a shiver me timbers usuki and some other good stuff so it more than paid for itself, the other...not so great:P Now I just resell them.

Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:36 am

Confused, lost & help wrote:What about the space map? Has anyone got anything good from it? :)

As I said above, you can win an H4000 Helmet from it, but I hear it's VERY rare. That's why it's so expensive.

Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:09 am

theonlysaneone wrote:
Confused, lost & help wrote:Ok thanks everyone. I mean I have never bought a map I'v just got them thru RE's so I guess I'm lucky. But will probably just sell my spooky treasure map pieces now.
So has anyone actually ever won anything decent on the maps then? :)

Demonish on this board (different topic) who got a Mipsy Plushie from an Original Treasure Map, probably worth upwards of several hundred thousand. It's just a crap shoot. An EXPENSIVE crap shoot.

It was well worth the upwards of 200k for the treasure map, I assure you. I wound up selling the Mipsy Plushie for 500k due to confusion of it's actual cost.

Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:51 am

Spooky Maps are a waste of money. Don't buy them. Space maps can get you some nice stuff, but they are super expensive and the nice stuff is rare to win. The regular tresure maps are a gamble. Sometimes you get items worth less, sometimes items worth the same as the map, and once and a while you'll make a profit. They are a fun way to gamble if you have a little cash to spare.


Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:22 pm

i wreckon you should sell them you will get alot of money for them and they are now use to colect :) :) :D :D

Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:42 pm

theonlysaneone wrote:
Confused, lost & help wrote:What about the space map? Has anyone got anything good from it? :)

As I said above, you can win an H4000 Helmet from it, but I hear it's VERY rare. That's why it's so expensive.

Sorry about that! :oops: I was having a bit of a blond moment there. I did read that post.
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