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Need opinion on two things.

Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:43 pm

I'm officially stuck on an account for 4 months while I wait for my newer, permanent one to age up before I can really start restocking. During peak hours and other times when generally restocking isn't the greatest idea, I thought about playing Neoquest II which is both entertaining and financially rewarding.

Is this illegal?. For when my other has aged, again in roughly four months time, I would also like to acquire a NQII trophy on that account. The account I'm on now will be self frozen before I make the big switch and all that jazz, so I'm wondering if TNT really would care. As of right now, this is my main. The other new young account I'm talking about is treated as if it's a side, apart from the occasional art gallery entries.

Should I go for it or hold back?. I know there was some issues about this in a recent editorial but I'm wondering if it applies to my case, considering in time the account Neoquest is played on will be frozen permanently.

The other thing:
After seeing all these scamming issues, along with my own personal reasons, I thought about transfering NP a little bit at a time-- say in increments from main account to same new (young) side I was refering to earlier. For instance, everytime I make 500k in profit I transfer it over. This shouldn't be too often, but yeah. I thought instead of collecting it all in the end and doing it all at once, which might look funny, doing this. Bad idea?. I forgot whether storing NP is allowed on sides. @_@; Not that I'd spend it on there, just hold for later. Ugh I hate that 4 account RSing rule- it makes my life so much harder.

Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:38 pm

I know people have done it, but I'm reasonably certain that playing NQII on your side while it's still a side would be considered a freezable offence. It sounds like you're not allowed to make NP on side accounts, period, nor do things that give you items. (Healing springs being the exception.)

If you've played Insane on your old main, then that also leads to problems even after you've switched (since clearly playing Insane on two different accounts is an unfair advantage.)

However, you're allowed to transfer NP and items as much as you want. The main risk is that TNT will see the transfers and think you've been hacked or something, which seems to make gradual transfers safer.

Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:21 pm

Perhaps I didn't clear it up enough. I don't want to play NQII on my side, but rather the account I'm on now. I'm just saying that I plan to switch accounts and freeze such main in 4 months time.
Anyways, I do see your point. Atleast I know that transfering is alright. Anyone else?. :hug:

Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:00 pm

If you do things on one, then create another, you must cease playing on your first.

However, playing on the first, then switching to the second, and not playing anything on the first any more seems perfectly fine to me.

Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:41 pm

I'm pretty sure if you are transfering accounts, you can move NPs over. Like TNT said, if you get items in random events and such on side accounts/etc you can transfer them to your main. I have transfered accounts like.. 3 times in a few months. And I'm not frozen, never have been for that. Same goes for trophies. I've gotten a couple of trophies on a side account, and then switched mains. No harm done.

Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:54 am

I would treat this like beauty contest voting, of which the rule is: If you vote for a species on one account, you cannot on another. If you play NQs on one account and dailies on another, it should be fine as long as you do not play ANY ONE ACTIVITY on BOTH accounts.

The concept is not "Don't use any NP on a side account" but it is "Don't get an unfair advantage by having multiple accounts." This means NO free dailies, and games that have daily limits. You can sell items you find in REs on your side account and you can enter gallery, userlookup, and beauty contests. Don't enter anything that has limited submissions per day like the art contest. You can buy (DO NOT RESTOCK) and sell items on a side account as well as send your side account money.

Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:31 am

Ah, OK, I see. As long as the account you're on now is the main then sure, why not?

The only caveat is that I suspect TNT may not be amused if you play though Insane once on your "old main" and once on your "new main" even if you had, in fact, changed accounts. (Though I know people who have done it and not gotten caught, it seems dangerous to me and clearly constitutes an "unfair advantage".

The only disadvantage is if you play though Normal on your current account, you'd have to play through on Normal again before you play Evil on your new account.

I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to sell items on a side account as you're not supposed to have a shop on one at all (except for guild shops). Transferring items you've aquired in RE's to sell on your main I think is OK, though.

I would really like it to be the case that you can do dailys on any of your accounts as long as you don't do the same one on multiple accounts, but I think it's not. It seems like TNT has been much more explicit about rules on side accounts recently and it includes not doing any daily that gives you items (except the Healing Springs) on your sides.

Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:51 am

So wait, we can sell RE items on side, but I thought we wernt allowed to have shops?

Anything I get thats not expensive I just donate :3

Edit: Wee 500 posts :3

Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:06 pm

^ No you can't sell them, but you can send them to your main and sell them there :)

Sat Feb 04, 2006 6:12 pm

I'm trying to find the piece in the editorial someone sent it. If I can remember correctly it stated Art Gallery entries on side accounts were fine-- but I'll go find the exact words and copy/paste to make sure. :)
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