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Disowning pets with zapped petpet

Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:56 am

I went to disown a pet today, and It had a pile o soot on it. I got this message:

ERROR : Sorry, but you must unattach the Betatest or No Trade or No Sell item attached to your Neopet before disowning it.

D: Is it only for soot, or is a rule for any zapped petpet now? If its for any zapped on, Im officially angry.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:00 am

Does this also happen to the paper petpets?

I always wanted that one that looked like a bug. :cry: What was it called? Weeble?

No fair that I'd have to break the account rule to get one. Why did I have to create all 5 of my accounts already? :cry:

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:02 am

I would figure it would happen with the paper ones too, which blows, because there so cute ;;

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:04 am

We should all flood the editorials because I really want the Weeble (or whatever it was called)

But it's 1 am and I need to go to bed.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:07 am

2 am here xD I'll do it tomorrow

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:12 am

me too if I can remember. I also need to find the exact name of that petpet. I'd like to attatch it to one of my rukis on my butterflychaser account.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:38 am

Butterflyhornet wrote:We should all flood the editorials because I really want the Weeble (or whatever it was called)

But it's 1 am and I need to go to bed.

"flooding the editorial" accomplishes nothing...

Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:45 am

I was just reading on a petpet fansite about this. The paper petpets cannot be attached to a disowned pet. And I guess the pile of soot can't either. I zap petpets for foster pets waiting to be painted by the lab. I recently (this week) transfered one that has a zapped petpet attached and all went well. I have not had a problem in the past with other pets either.

I can understand the paper petpets, but I don't know why a pile of soot would matter o_O

Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:33 am

Maybe it's because of the 'soot' avatar

Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:39 pm

stampsyne wrote:Maybe it's because of the 'soot' avatar

Sounds plausable. The only thing that would make work in my eyes

Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:14 pm

stampsyne wrote:Maybe it's because of the 'soot' avatar

I thought you only got that if your petpet lab turned your petpet into a pile of soot?

Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:50 pm

What petpet is it under all that soot? I bet it's a cardboard pet ;)

I got a few cardboard pets in the pound before they disallowed it. It's possible there are still some in there; might dig around and look at a bunch of pets in there if you reallllly want a cardboard pet. Only other way to get one is to start a new account, but then it would have to remain there :/

Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:18 pm

Q wrote:What petpet is it under all that soot? I bet it's a cardboard pet ;)

The same could be said for ANY zapped petpets and I thought it was just Cardboard petpets and Soot that couldn't be on an abondonded pet?

Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:05 am

Q wrote:What petpet is it under all that soot? I bet it's a cardboard pet ;)

I got a few cardboard pets in the pound before they disallowed it. It's possible there are still some in there; might dig around and look at a bunch of pets in there if you reallllly want a cardboard pet. Only other way to get one is to start a new account, but then it would have to remain there :/

hmm. well, I really wanted the ditsy and the frogler for my petpet gallery, I already managed to pick up the other two. . . I wonder if it'll be worth the effort?

Edit: amazingly enough, I've found both already! i'll have to wait till tomorrow to get the ditsy, coz I haven't space on my account and I can't disown 2 pets in one day. I guess there's still hope for anyone who wants some cardboard petpets.

Edit: drat, somebody got him! guess it's more poundsurfing tomorrow.

Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:55 am

Not for any zapped pet - I just used a pet with a zapped petpet a couple of days ago for an avatar.
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