For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Petpet for JubJub?

Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:32 am


What would be a good petpet to match jubjub? Thanks.

It took me so many hours to save several hundreds thousands nps which I spent on a full set of secret laboratory map, so that I can have fun watching the transformation.

I also got a full set of petpet laboratory map for the same reason :)

so far the transformation:
Yellow Yurble -> Halloween Yurble -> Spotted Yurble
Fir -> Purple Snowickle -> Red Puppyblew -> Seti -> Pirate Bilguss

I have uploaded the pics here:

Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:12 am

not to be rude, or sound like a mod or something, but the 'Petpet Match-It!' topic is the place to go :3 ... &start=120

Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:19 am


Forum Rules wrote:Do Not Backseat-Moderate

This is when a member acts as a Moderator. As stated above, when a member breaks a rule, you should either ignore it, or contact a Moderator. It is their job to reprimand rule breakers. We dont expect you to shoot off Private Messages as soon as you see a problem, but we appreciate any help members give us while trying to keep the forums free of trouble. You are more than welcome to help other members if they make simple mistakes, but should never post just to do this. Including a short message at the end of a topical post is fine. Posting just to tell another member what to do is not.
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