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Jan. 27th News-- Kacheek Day!

Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:33 am

# To start off Kacheek Day, there are some tasty new treats on sale in the Food Shop!

# Four new Kacheek Shopkeepers are eager to guard your shop from thugs, thieves and plunderers.

# Try out one of these new Kacheek Buddy Icons if your chat window needs a bit of an update.

# Everyone should take a gander at ithingy's Neohome and Gardens, this week's Neohome Spotlight winner.

# If you're celebrating Chinese New Year (which starts this weekend), why not send out one of these new Greetings to your Neofriends?

# A Purple Kacheek is the winner of the latest Pet Spotlight. Well done, small33381!

# A new issue of the Neopian Times has been released. Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like The Grey Pet: a Forgotten Hero and 25 Things Not To Do At The Golden Dubloon!

# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was King Kelpbeard Background. One extremely lucky lad guessed correctly, earning him 2,000,000 NP! Remember everyone: share your crayons, not your Mystery Pic answers!

# Are you clever enough to unlock this new Kacheek avatar?

# Treat yourself this Chinese New Year by heading to the Food Shop and picking up one of these new snacks!

# Five new Kacheek Poems are now available for your reading pleasure.

# It looks to be quite the Kacheek Day celebration in the latest Caption Contest.

# Today's Art Gallery is chock-full of Kacheek art submitted by users around Neopia.

# A new Kacheek Shop Blog is just the thing for your Kacheek themed gallery!

# A happy Background makes for a happy desktop!

# Four new Chinese New Year themed Shopkeepers are available for you to use.

# Today is a good day to treat your Kacheek to a new toy, on sale now at the Toy Shop.

# Head over to the Rainbow Pool if you've been wanting a Sketch Kacheek for years and years.

# Last but not least, the Toy Shop has a few new items available for Chinese New Year.

Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:40 am

Dang, Kacheek owners kinda got gypped today. -_- Only one new color, and it's not even technically a colorfill... and WHEN are they going to finish the Kacheek revamp?! Or better yet, start it over? The Kacheek has so much cuteness potential and that fat-outlined redraw just doesn't do a thing to bring it out...

Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:22 am

I wish they posted that training was avaialble through the weekend as it seems to be (since they celebrated Kacheek Day early since it's on a Sunday.)
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