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Wednesday News! Rainbow Randomness!

Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:58 am

# Today is randomly dedicated to all things Rainbow! To start things off, the Mazzew, Tigermouse, Babyca, and Trunkard can now be painted this lovely colour at the Petpet Puddle.

# Four new Shopkeepers with a lovely Rainbow theme are now available to use in your shop or gallery!

# Brighten up your desktop with this new Rainbow Background!

# Devious Disaster by scottbeckwith is the latest Faerie Caves Spotlight winner. Well done!

# A lovely new set of Rainbow-themed Buddy Icons is now available for you to use!

# Bibblett the Plushie Angelpuss is the proud winner of this week's Petpet Spotlight!

# Have yourself a tasty Rainbow meal using these new treats from the Food Shop.

# Lilbabybl00's has just won the Gallery Spotlight with the very colourful Create A Pet gallery.

# If you're a Moehog owner, there's a new option for your Neopet at the Rainbow Pool.

# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Leirobas Collectable Card. 450 people guessed correctly, earning them 4,445 NP each!

# Can you think of something witty for this Rainbow-themed Caption Contest?

# This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight goes to wherefishiesgo for The Forever Tower!

# Give your garden a cheery feel with one of these new Rainbow items, on sale now at the Garden Centre.

# You might need to pick up a pair of sunglasses if you and your Kacheek decide to go for this new look.

# Cheekeelildevil gets into the Rainbow spirit with her User Lookup of the Week!

# And finally, the Art Gallery has been updated with lots of new Rainbow themed art.

Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:24 am

... And the lookup of the week is a ton of bandwith usage messages. :roll: But yay for rainbow day. :D I like the garden stuff.

Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:21 am

LAQ wrote:... And the lookup of the week is a ton of bandwith usage messages. :roll:

Woah. o_0 You're right! I should make my lookup like that- I'll win. Yep. :P


Mmm, rainbow artichoke... :P

Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:56 am

What happy colorful news.
The new rainbow items are all so pretty!

Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:32 am

I was hoping that my rainbow zafara for zafara day might have gotten picked for rainbow day instead, but ah well


I do like those :3

I was kinda hoping for a rainbow day avatar, too
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