For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:17 pm
Restocking makes money. I know that. But what I'm most curious about: do you guys actually have some sort of mental catalogue of item values and likelihood to sell or something? I never dare to buy something without first checking it on the SW, and by the time I've done that - if it's a good deal - of course it's gone...
Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:25 pm
Yeah, actually after you've restocked the same shop for a while, you recognize items that are duds. Usually items of great value have relatively high prices in the shops, too. I restock occasionally in books. I'm not very good at it but occasionally I can grab an uncommon or rare book. They are usually priced for a couple thousand NP and sell from 5 - 50K. I only get those once in a while though. Mainly I get them when the site is glitchy and the really good restockers are off pursuing other more interesting things.
Anyway... I know not to restock certain books unless it's half price day because they just don't turn a decent profit.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:26 pm
When I used to restock, I used to make a spreadsheet of what all of the items were worth, and then I'd learn as much as I could. Of course, I used to restock at some of the smaller shops, l ike Spooky Foods or the Icy Fun shop; which meant that the items went quite slowly, and there were few enough items that you could get the idea into your head properly.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:30 pm
So mental catalogue it is? I only tried one shop for restocking, and that was the Kreludan Bookshop. Worked then, guess it should work now too. (though I still have some of those books in my shop)
Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:34 pm
pardona_ii wrote:So mental catalogue it is? I only tried one shop for restocking, and that was the Kreludan Bookshop. Worked then, guess it should work now too. (though I still have some of those books in my shop)
I used to love the Kreludan Bookshop. It really was a case of every 7 minutes; frantically grabbing any book and making a 50k profit on it. That day, I made 2 million NP because they had released the high scores. I have lost it all since then, which is a shame; but I still remember that day.
Of course, it's degraded since then, but it brings back great memories,
Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:18 pm
I use a little something to assist me in my memory. It takes a little knowledge of Adblock (Firefox add-on). I export my Adblock filters to a file and save them first. That way I can switch back and forth between sets of filters. You'll see why you might want to do that in a minute.
I pick a couple of shops I want to restock in, then I start checking prices. I find the items that are priced at or over their actual value and right-click on the images. I choose "Adblock Image". That places an entry in my Adblock filters to hide the image. I do that for every overpriced item that comes up and I don't really buy any thing during the first couple of days until I feel I've gone through most of the items that shop stocks. It takes a while before you've got most everything in Adblock that you'd want there, but it pays off when you're done. At this point, you should not be seeing the overpriced items anymore (except for the handful that may not have stocked when you were blocking items). You now should be seeing only the pictures of the items that you can buy and resell at a profit.
When you feel comfortable that you've blocked most of them, you should export your Adblock filters again and keep a copy. That way you can switch back and forth between having items filtered and having items not filtered. Just remember to re-export your filters when you add/remove filters or you'll lose them when you switch.
If you don't quite understand yet, you might want to install Adblock and get familiar with it for a while. It's a wonderful tool. Very useful, even if just for its original intention of blocking ads.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:38 pm
Ooh, good tip luv2lindy77! I'll have to try that.
I feel so low-tech, but I used to keep a sticky note on the monitor with the items I could usually snag and their average SW prices. I mostly just have a mental catalogue now. A lot of the time you're restocking the same items fairly often, and it's easy to remember after you sell them in your shop a certain number of times.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:55 pm
If I ever do restocking again, I will use adblock too.
I wrote it down, when I started. In the end, I had a list in my head. I restocked in the chocolate shop. In that shop now, I usually go for the 'uncommon' items. (The rares are given out by something, because they are not worth a lot.) The uncommons mostly come in three or two stacks.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:58 pm
`I do exactly what luv2lindy77 does , except i cahnge my firefox profile for each shop im RSing , works really well .
Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:45 am
I have been restocking so long, in the same shops, that I know which items are good and which are bad.
Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:07 am
I only restock stamps... and because my brother collects stamps (and I bought most of them for him) I'm quite familiar with the prices...
Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:15 am
I used to do that with Adblock, then discovered its sorta against the rules. You know, that pesky "No using outside programmes to cheat". Funnily enough, Adblocking images speeds up the page, your reaction time and does it all illegally in terms of the site rules. Just a thought you migh be interested in...
Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:26 pm
kuroro wrote:I wrote it down, when I started. In the end, I had a list in my head. I restocked in the chocolate shop. In that shop now, I usually go for the 'uncommon' items. (The rares are given out by something, because they are not worth a lot.) The uncommons mostly come in three or two stacks.
Yeah, I started by writing them down, too. Being that I rarely have time to restock anymore (maybe 20-30 minutes once a week if I'm lucky), it's tough to remember everything. While uncommon/rare stuff mostly comes in small numbers, they're not always good buys. If the price is high and the quantity is low, unless I know the item's value, I tend to balk at buying it and go for the slightly lower-priced sure-things. I also tend to stay away from new items because their value hasn't been established, so while the shop wiz may say it's worth over 50,000, you may find that you can't sell it for that because the price is dropping so fast.
Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:20 pm
the_dog_god wrote:I used to do that with Adblock, then discovered its sorta against the rules. You know, that pesky "No using outside programmes to cheat". Funnily enough, Adblocking images speeds up the page, your reaction time and does it all illegally in terms of the site rules. Just a thought you migh be interested in...
Huh. I wouldn't have thought that using Adblock would be a big deal. It's not as though it's buying the items for you or anything. Has anyone been warned/frozen for it?
Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:37 am
PuddingofEvil wrote:the_dog_god wrote:I used to do that with Adblock, then discovered its sorta against the rules. You know, that pesky "No using outside programmes to cheat". Funnily enough, Adblocking images speeds up the page, your reaction time and does it all illegally in terms of the site rules. Just a thought you migh be interested in...
Huh. I wouldn't have thought that using Adblock would be a big deal. It's not as though it's buying the items for you or anything. Has anyone been warned/frozen for it?
Apparantly some people have, though I haven't seen proof. Its not that it doesn't buy anything for you, its the fact that...
A. With the bad items taken away, you can't misclick
B. Their images being removed speeds up the loading time of the page
C. Its "getting the computer" to remember what not to buy for you
Which is abusing an outside programme and having your computer play for you, two things strictly forbidden in the rules
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