For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:03 am
Hi again ^^
A while back I heard someone was making that much a month, and I wondered if it was possible before.
Anyways, does anyone here make a million a month, or know anyone who does? How do you or they do it?
Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:09 am
Probably people who re shop like mad.
I normally average 15k a day from games because Im lazy. Thats not encluding my saled from the junk in my sbd because it varies, and it wont last forever.
So thats about 450k a month.
Also if you invest in stocks Im sure its possible.
All I know Is I dont average 1mil a month. That would be sweet.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:18 am
World Challenges. If I sit down and really play some games, I can earn a full picture in about three days and sell it for 380k. I'm lazy, though, so usually I end up selling one per week. Still, that's approximately 1.5 mil in a month.
Good restockers make a lot more than that, though. Some of those guys can make a million in a week.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:45 am
I can average about 4-5 million a month if I restock.
Im currently at 5 million neopoints now, and I just started playing again last week. But not all restocking, I had a few things waiting to be sold in my SDB.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:47 am
A million a month. Not that hard. I put about 50-100K in my bank everyday. I don't restock a lot, my shop size is only size 21. Just don't spent too much on things you don't need. Good Luck!
Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:34 am
ira_7700 wrote:A million a month. Not that hard. I put about 50-100K in my bank everyday. I don't restock a lot, my shop size is only size 21. Just don't spent too much on things you don't need. Good Luck!
Hehe I buy nothing at all and I still can't deposit more than 10k a day
Cos I'm a lazy little person who doesn't earn
Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:04 am
I can make 100k a day easily. About 250k usually. Times that by 30 month is that is what I can make.
Right now I an super broke due to obsessive kad feeding -_-
Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:02 pm
It is actually possible for people to get 1 mil a week. I know someone who can and they say play alot of games, world challenge, stocks and rsing.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:14 pm
considering it's possible to get 100k in a day purely from games, that's not too surprising. and if they restock, it's even easier. but since i play only using stocks and NQII, i certainly would have a problem doing that.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:39 pm
I can easily get 1 million or more a month by stocks. I restock, but I'm not really good at it and don't get any unbuyables. I also play neoquest II while I'm restocking, I'm on evil mode and I'm hoping for a good prize.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:39 pm
Wow. I've played since 2000 and no matter what I do I can't make more than 10-20k in a day, and I only have the energy to attempt that maybe.....once or twice a year.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:57 pm
I just hit my 1 mill for this month from stocks today.

'Course, as you know nstarz, I don't do anything else to earn income lol!
Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:13 pm
I can make as much as 20k a day from games if I have enough time, and if I feel like it. xD
I also invest in stocks, so occassionally I get nice big jumps from those.

I also get jumps from selling NQII prizes.
Since I am trying to earn for a plushie pb, I am trying not to splurge on ANYTHING...heck, I only train my Shoyru if I have won at least two codestones, and have them in my inventory. That way, I can sell what I don't need, and buy the codestones I DO need, without spending much at all. I only feed my pets from the mountain of free jellys and omellets in my inventory, plus all those wonderfull fish from the underwater fishing game.
But in the way of making 1mill in a month...I think the only time I had a chance at that, was when I sold a trans. potion that sloth gave me from a RE. That got sold for ~65k. That was a good day. ^_^
I probably make around 300k a month.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:18 pm
Scythemantis wrote:Wow. I've played since 2000 and no matter what I do I can't make more than 10-20k in a day, and I only have the energy to attempt that maybe.....once or twice a year.
Same here. Heh.
I started playing stocks though, with the money I saved up when I had a 'restocking' period. (Aka, when I was interested in restocking. Now I don't feel the energy for it anymore.)
Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:13 pm
So, while we're all talking about making money and getting rich, I'd like to present a little problem to you all: For the past few months, I have been saving up for a Lab Map. Now, a few days ago I hit the 400k mark, and if I want the Map, I'm gonna have to save up some more, but... now I find the whole idea of parting with it rather difficult. The amount of money I make each day has, over the past few months, slowly but surely increased, discovering jobs (Employment Agency), games that give out 1K each sent score (Faerie Racers, Eliv Thade, Pink Panther and Triple Track give decent payouts as well), and as we all now, it takes money to make money. So what should I do? Save up some more, and then bankrupt myself by buying the Lab Map I have been looking forward to for months... or keep busy, getting richer and richer, and then, in a few more months, when I (hopefully) have a few mil, spend, say, 500K on the map and not worry about it.
Aye, 'tis a dilemma indeed...
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