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New Game: Jolly Jugglers

Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:06 am

All I can say is, this game take a bit of time to get used to the controls. I get the switch, shoot, and jump buttons mixed up which can make for some odd death situations. But I'm getting better. Opinions? Tips?

Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:32 am

Yep the controls are iffy at first but so far it's been okay. The jump is what is the hardest, I believe during the 3rd level or so it gets difficult of sorts. A way to help with jumping to place which seem impossible, go to the very edge of the cloud/rock/object and jump and you'll reach your target give or take a few falls.
Another way which took me a while to figure out, to get ammo, you need to have the same character in charge, green chia for green ammo, and vice versa.

And at the end of about 8 levels you get the final level which is trying to kill a mutant chia, doing 1 damage at a evil.

Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:37 am

the jump power costed me a few lives... hard to get used to it, imo

Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:16 am

I think it's OK, I always seem to press switch instead of shoot, so they keep losing health which, of course, results in dying. The Draconacks that run back and forth on the platforms are what usually end up killing me.

I agree, the jumps are the hardest. Especially if there's a big distance between them. But it's an good NP-gaining game, I suppose.

Edit: OK, now I hate it. XD I finally get the final stage and I die on my final life. Shoot.
Last edited by EvilPickle on Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:25 am

Going to put it in my Hate Game list. Too hard for me. No hand and eye coordination!

Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:35 am

so. Much. FUN! Easy 3000NP/day.

Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:08 am

any ideas/suggestions on how to kill that mutant chia?

Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:30 pm

puck wrote:any ideas/suggestions on how to kill that mutant chia?

Took me a while to figure it out but this is my method:

There are clouds positioned throughout the map. On the upper on has all the drop items. The most important ones are the left and right clouds. Usually I only hit the attack button when the chia stops moving and starts spewing his volley balls of doom, which occur in 3 intervals. So while this is happening, in order not to get hit even once, you go to the cloud that is opposite of the mutant chia(ex. if he is on the left side, you go to the right cloud) and when your on that cloud go to the very edge(so if your on right cloud go to the right edge, left cloud go to the left edge) and wait for the attack to be finished. then you can hit him afterwards for about 2-3 hits. This way is kinda slow. But having this in mind, the next important part for actually doing damage to the MC is the shield ability drop. If you have it, it makes you invincible for a certain amount of time, right after you pick up this item, go as close as you can to the MC and start spamming the attack button, you can get a good chunck of his life off. Then use the whole jumping cloud thing. And wait for another shield drop. After about 3-4 shield attacks the MC should die and the bonus +200 is yours.

Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:12 pm

could somebody take a screenie of this mutated chia, I'm kinda curious to see what he looks like, seeing as how i'll probably never make it past level 4.

Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:49 am

One thing I have to say is: thank sloth for no time limit. :)

Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:50 am

-Ducky- wrote:could somebody take a screenie of this mutated chia, I'm kinda curious to see what he looks like, seeing as how i'll probably never make it past level 4.

There is how it looks like.

Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:48 am

I just dont get how people get such high scores.... Ive noticed if you go down once you go up, sometimes villians reappear, but doing that throughout the game doesnt get you nearly enough points. Ive been able to not even get TOUCHED until i get to the villian. I collect every fruit and power up that shows up.

how are people getting scores of... even... 2000? much less 5000! Which is actually a lot more.. but... you see what i mean!

I love this game though. Easy 1000 points... and its pretty cool. You just have to get used to it. I finally beat the chia after realising his weaknesses and found it quite easy to beat him, it just takes about 15 minutes.

But, im only 200 points away from being on the high score list!

Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:44 am

This game reminds me of a Nintendo (NES) game called Rainbow Islands, which I used to love to play.
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