For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:55 pm
Got a clue, anyone? Zach's can't figure it out, and the boards aren't being very helpful either...
EDIT: Apparently, the word was 'etherol'; I couldn't find it's definition on Google, but someone on the boards said it's a type of fuel.
EDIT2: After you have all the artifacts, can you continue to wander around to increase your score?
Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:20 pm
pardona_ii wrote:Heelort
Got a clue, anyone? Zach's can't figure it out, and the boards aren't being very helpful either...
EDIT: Apparently, the word was 'etherol'; I couldn't find it's definition on Google, but someone on the boards said it's a type of fuel.
EDIT2: After you have all the artifacts, can you continue to wander around to increase your score?
Yes, you move back and forth to increase your score. Do this if you want the avatar or a trophy. A lot of the words are not real words, but are added in anyway. I got McBride and Xenakis as some examples that I've encountered.
Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:37 pm
This site I found helpful:
At 850 you can go to the crypt and if you get the word will finish the game with 1200 for the avatar.
Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:19 pm
And if you've already sent in your 3 scores, you'll still get the avatar?
Thanks for the site, btw.
EDIT: Dang, I had 862 when I entered the Crypt, and finished with 1012. Was out of lives and hints, though...
Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:30 am
You get the last word wrong? And no, the score has to actually post so if you've already done 3 games you have to wait till tomorrow.
Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:51 am
pardona_ii wrote:And if you've already sent in your 3 scores, you'll still get the avatar?
Thanks for the site, btw.

EDIT: Dang, I had 862 when I entered the Crypt, and finished with 1012. Was out of lives and hints, though...
You get extra points when you actually click to send your score.
Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:14 pm
hmm, i am not that good at ET. i am horrible at anagrams, so i most likely won't be ablt to get the avatar.
Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:33 am
If you google for an anagram solver - I prefer Andy's and Zach's, you'll find it a lot easier
The neoboards are actaully pretty useful if you're stumped.
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