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Neopet lagging?

Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:55 am

Is it just me or does premium neopets sometime doesnt load or just very slow in general? O.o Neopets always been slow for me since someone refered me to premium T.T


Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:00 am

I'm a regular Neopets player, and for the past week or so the site has been REALLY slow loading >_>

Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:13 am

Just since today, I've been getting cannot display page error. It hasn't been slow though.

Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:38 am

Especially the neomail server, or anytime you do anything with items or post on the boards. Just navigating the worlds usually is fine.

Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:46 am

It was fine for me earlier today, but the past couple of hours it's been lagging a lot for me. :(

Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:37 am

Verrrry laggy, but only in spurts. Long spurts lol :D I'll nod to the neomail lag, I had a few mails double send today because I refreshed the page after I went back to it and saw a blank page and wondered where I had been, lol.

As far as I know, us premium members are not on some secret asparagus powered servers and have to share the lag with all neopians.

*feeds a cookie to the Meepit that powers her personal neopets server and laughs at everyone who's lagging*

Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:55 am

Well, I'm a mere mortal without premium, but it's been really laggy for me too. The neomail server is going incredibly slow for me.

Must be a site-wide issue instead of a premium thing.

Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:03 am

Really its laggy I am a premium member and it is not for me. o_O

Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:40 am

I almost never experience a lag, but I'm a premium user with a cable modem. Yesterday and today, I had some massive lag times for the first time since I joined Neopets back when I was still on dial-up, including times I had to use a dial-up computer. Turned out the entire cable company for my county (which there is only one since this is a very rural county, and by very rural, I mean that the town I live in doesn't even have a sewer, but is the backyard for a nuclear plant) was on the fritz (both internet and TV, but I never experienced any TV problems). It was fixed just in time for the second quarter of the Redskins game so I was able to surf while the Bucs ate turf :P Ha! I made a funny! :P

Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:33 am

It's been lagging like crazy for me today :( It keeps loading blank pages, driving me crazy when I'm wiz-sniping and trying to play Pyramids.

Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:54 pm

Its VERY laggy, and now it just went down for maintenance :(
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