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Is it okay to..

Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:28 pm

.. Collect your newbie pack on a spare account? I'm planning on making one so that I can create or adopt a Gnorgu and a Xweetok, but the dos and don'ts of spare accounts aren't too clear for me.
If anyone can answer this question, even list some dos and don'ts of having spare accounts, I'd really appreciate it. =)

Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:49 pm

Hi Kay

You know what? That is a very good question and one I've not seen addressed - can you/should you collect a pack on a spare account?

I know back when I created my spares (2) I did collect them, to me it's just part of opening a new account.

As to the do's and don'ts I can think of:

Don't do any dailies, play games, have a shop (unless it is specifically a guild shop on a guild account) or otherwise earn np on any side accounts. You can go to the healing springs ... the soup kitchen I was told was off-limits (it's considered a daily), but some people do go with no problem.

Don't enter contests on side accounts and from what I've read, I don't think you're supposed to participate in plots/wars on sides (because you could gain a trophy and/or prizes and np). The exception to this, as far as I know, is the art gallery and the beauty contest (though I don't think the BC should be allowed on sides, just my opinion).

Don't vote in the BC on more than one account (people have been iced for it) - I'd stick with any voting, entering, etc. on my main account personally.

Do send food and other items needed for the side account from your main account. You can set up a trade on your side account - do not use jelly, omelette or anything else from a daily - use an inexpensive plushie or something from a RE on that side account (since you can't sell it on the side account) and bid from your main account for any np needed for say, a neohome or gallery. You can also send items and food that way too.

You can have the lab ray on a side account. Yes, you do get some np from turning the map in, but for some reason it's ok. I'd just put the np in the bank on that account and keep it there for things needed. Do NOT send np from a side account to your main account.

Collecting bank interest - fine.

Free Pet day training - fine on all accounts as long as your pet's under level 40.

Avatars - a very grey area. Clickables/petpet/pet viewing/owning avs are ok. Others I'm not sure about, because there is a high score table and again, a trophy.

Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:54 pm

Thanks very much for your help! :)
Is it okay to use a different email than your main's? Right now, my main's email isn't working, and I've been using a different address. I haven't changed my main's email because I don't think I really need any email from Neopets.

Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:27 am

Well, you're supposed to use the same email, but I doubt you'll get in major trouble for having one account with a different email.

Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:39 pm

PuddingofEvil wrote:Well, you're supposed to use the same email, but I doubt you'll get in major trouble for having one account with a different email.

Yes you are suppose to use your same email I am rather sure. But if they log your I.P. and stuff I don't think they will care. They have 25 millon users to watch!

Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:03 am

Kay El wrote:Thanks very much for your help! :)
Is it okay to use a different email than your main's? Right now, my main's email isn't working, and I've been using a different address. I haven't changed my main's email because I don't think I really need any email from Neopets.

Well, your accounts should all have the same email. As far as needing an email from Neo, what if you need to contact them about a problem with your account, a glitch or even just to request your password? That all gets emailed to you :)

Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:29 am

yeah, there are preferences that you can set so that you can only get necessary neomail. and yes, it's *very important* that all of your accounts are on one address. otherwise they might think you're up to shady things.
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